The following is a list winners and nominees (if available) of the Eagle Award, sorted by year that the award was presented. The Eagle Awards were first distributed in 1977 and were consistently presented in the 1980s and the 2000s (being mostly dormant in the 1990s). In 2014, in connection with Stan Lee, the Eagle Awards were renamed, and presented as, the True Believer Comic Awards. They have not returned since then.
Past winners
- For comics published in 1976[1]
Presented at the British Comic Art Convention on 3 September 1977, at the Bloomsbury Centre Hotel, London.[2] Nominations in 19 categories:
Favourite Comicbook Artist
- Neal Adams (winner)
- John Buscema (nominees)
- Paul Gulacy
- Barry Smith
- Jim Starlin
Favourite British Comics Artist
Favourite Comicbook Writer — U.S.
Favourite British Comics Writer
Favourite Comicbook - Dramatic
Favourite Comicbook - Humour
Favourite Dramatic Black & White Comics Magazine
Favourite Black & White Comicbook - Humour
Favourite Comic Publication All Time
Favourite Comicbook Character
Favourite British Comic Character
Favourite Comicbook Team
Favourite New Comic Title
Favourite Single Comicbook Story
- Howard the Duck #3: "Four Feathers of Death" (Steve Gerber/John Buscema)[3]
- Fantastic Four #176: "Improbable as It May Seem the Impossible Man is Back in Town" (Roy Thomas/George Pérez)
- Howard the Duck #1: "Howard the Barbarian" (Steve Gerber/Frank Brunner)
Favourite Continued Comic Story
- Master of Kung Fu #48-51 (Doug Moench/Paul Gulacy)
- Defenders #31-40 + Annual #1 (Steve Gerber/Sal Buscema)
- X-Men #98-100 (Chris Claremont/Dave Cockrum)
Favorite Professional British Comic Publication
- House of Hammer
- Captain Britain
- Garth
- Brainstorm Comix
Favourite British Fan Publication
Favourite British Fan Personality
- Martin Lock
- Colin Campbell
- Dez Skinn
Favourite Comics Creator All Time (a.k.a. Roll of Honour)
Presented at the British Comic Art Convention, 29 July 1978, for comics released during 1977.[4] Nominations in 21 categories.
Favourite Artist
Favourite Writer
- Steve Englehart
- Chris Claremont
- Steve Gerber
- Roy Thomas
- Marv Wolfman
Favourite Comic Book (Dramatic)
Favourite Black & White Magazine
Favourite New Artist
Favourite Comic Book (Humour)
- Howard the Duck
- Plastic Man
- Cracked
- Crazy
Favourite Inker
Favourite Character
Favourite Villain
Favourite Team
- X-Men
- Defenders
- Fantastic Four
- Avengers
- Justice Society of America
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Feature
Favourite Single Story
- Avengers Annual #7 – "The Final Threat" (Jim Starlin)
- Detective Comics #472 – "I am the Batman" (Steve Englehart/Marshall Rogers)
- Howard the Duck #16 – "The Zen and Art of Comic Book Writing" (Steve Gerber/Various artists)
- Marvel Premiere #38 – "The Lord of Tyndall's Quest" (Doug Moench/Mike Ploog)
- Marvel Preview #11 – "Starlord" (Chris Claremont/John Byrne)
Favourite Continued Story
- Avengers Annual #7/Marvel Two-in-One Annual #2 — "End of Warlock Saga" (Jim Starlin)
- Star Wars #1-6 — "Film Adaptation" (George Lucas, Roy Thomas/Howard Chaykin)
- X-Men #105, 107 & 108 — "Starjammers" (Chris Claremont/Dave Cockrum, John Byrne)
- Detective Comics #471-472 — "Hugo Strange" (Steve Englehart/Marshall Rogers)
- Defenders #46-50 — "Who Remembers Scorpio?" (David Anthony Kraft/Keith Giffen)
Favourite New Title
Favourite British Pro Comics Publication
Favourite Fan Publication
Favourite British Comics Character
Favourite British artist
Favourite British writer
Roll of Honour
For comics published in 1978. Presented at "Comicon '79," the British Comic Art Convention 11, Hotel Metropole, Birmingham, on September 1, 1979.
Favourite Comicbook Artist
Favourite Comic Book Writer
- T. B. Grover (pseudonym of John Wagner)
Favourite Pro Comics Publication
Favourite Fan Publication
Favourite Character
Favourite Comicbook Artist
Favourite Comic Book Writer
Favourite Inker
Favourite Comic Magazine
Favourite Comic Magazine
Favourite Comic Book Character
Favourite Comic Book Group
Favourite Comic Book Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of His Own Feature
Favourite Single Story
- X-Men #111 – "Mindgames" (Chris Claremont/John Byrne)
- The Avengers #178 – "The Martyr Perplex" (Steve Gerber/Carmine Infantino)
- Superman vs. Muhammad Ali (Denny O'Neil/Neal Adams)
- The Avengers #177 – "The Hope and the Slaughter" (Jim Shooter/David Wenzel)
- X-Men #109 – "Home are the Heroes" (Chris Claremont/John Byrne)
Best Continued Story
- The Avengers #167, 168, 170-177 (Jim Shooter/George Pérez, Sal Buscema, David Wenzel)
- X-Men #114-116 (Chris Claremont/John Byrne)
- Captain Marvel #58-62 (Doug Moench/Pat Broderick)
- Detective Comics #475-476 (Steve Englehart/Marshall Rogers)
- Thor #272-278 (Roy Thomas/John Buscema)
- X-Men #111-113 (Chris Claremont/John Byrne)
Favourite Cover
- Master of Kung Fu #67 (Paul Gulacy)
- Detective Comics #476 (Marshall Rogers)
- X-Men #114 (John Byrne)
- X-Men #111 (John Byrne)
- X-Men #113 (John Byrne)
Roll of Honour
- For comics published in 1979.
Favourite Comicbook Artist
Favourite Writer
Favourite Inker
Favourite Comicbook
Favourite Magazine
Favourite Comicbook Character
Favourite Group or Team
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Book
Favourite Single Comicbook Story
- Iron Man #128 – Demon in a Bottle (David Michelinie, Bob Layton/John Romita Jr)
- X-Men Annual #3 – A Fire in the Sky (Chris Claremont/George Pérez)
- Marvel Two-in-One #51 – Full House, Dragons High (Peter B. Gillis/Frank Miller)
Favourite Continued Comic Story
- X-Men #125-128 (Chris Claremont/John Byrne)
- Marvel Two-in-One #53-58 (Mark Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio/John Byrne, George Pérez)
- Micronauts #1-12 (Bill Mantlo/Michael Golden)
Favourite New Comic Title
Favourite Cover
- The Avengers #185 (George Pérez)
- Micronauts #7 (Michael Golden)
- Iron Man #128 (John Romita Jr)
Favourite Fan Publication
Favourite Comicbook Artist (UK)
Favourite Writer
Favourite Inker
Favourite Comic
Favourite Magazine
Favourite Character
Favourite Group or Team
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Book
Favourite Single Story
- Hulk Weekly #2 (Night Raven)
- 2000 AD 137 ("Death of a Judge")
- 2000 AD 145 ("Umpty Candy")
- 2000 AD 127 ("Night of the Ripper")
Favourite Continued Story
- Hulk Weekly 1–30, 42, 43 (Black Knight)
- 2000 AD 140–151 ("Stainless Steel Rat")
- 2000 AD 104–118 ("Strontium Dog: Journey Into Hell")
Favourite New Title
Favourite Cover
- 2000 AD 144
- 2000 AD 113
- 2000 AD 134
Favourite Fan Publication
Roll of Honour
For comics published in 1980.[11][12]
Favourite Comic Book Artist
Favourite Comics Book Writer
Favourite Comic Book Inker
Favourite Comic Book
Favourite Comic Magazine
Favourite Comic Book Character
Favourite Group or Team
Favourite Comic Book Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Book
Favourite Single Comic Book Story
- X-Men #137 "The Fate of the Phoenix"
- Daredevil #163 "Blind Alley"
- X-Men #138 "Elegy"
- Daredevil #164 "Exposé"
- Captain America #250 "Cap for President"
Favourite Continued Comic Book Story
- X-Men #135–137, "The Dark Phoenix Saga"
- X-Men #129–138 "Hellfire Club/Dark Phoenix"
- X-Men #129–134 "Hellfire Club"
- Iron Man #131–133 "Iron Man vs. the Hulk"
- Epic Illustrated #1–4 "Metamorphosis Odyssey
Favourite New Comic Book Title
Favourite Comic Book Cover
- X-Men #136 (John Byrne/Terry Austin)
- X-Men #137
- X-Men #130
- X-Men 140
Favourite Fan Publication
Favourite Artist
Favourite Writer
- T.B. Grover (John Wagner)
- John Wagner
- John Howard (John Wagner)
- Steve Parkhouse
- Steve Moore
Favourite Comic
Favourite Comic Magazine
Favourite Character
Favourite Group or Team
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Book
Favourite Single Story
- "Terror Tube" 2000 AD #167
- Judge Dredd — "Return to Mega-City One" 2000 AD 182
- Judge Dredd — "An Alien Tale" 2000 AD 163
- "Tharg Saves the Day" 2000 AD 182
- Strontium Dog — "Mutie's Luck" 2000 AD 189
- Doctor Who 46
Favourite Continued Story
- Judge Dredd — "The Judge Child," 2000 AD #156–181
- Robo-Hunter — "Day of the Droids" 2000 AD 152–174
- Judge Dredd — "Judge Death" 2000 AD 149–151
- Meltdown Man
- Return to Armageddon
Favourite Cover
- 2000 AD #173 (Judge Dredd) by Brian Bolland
- 2000 AD #169 (Judge Dredd)
- 2000 AD #164 (Judge Dredd)
- 2000 AD #182 (Judge Dredd)
- 2000 AD #175 (Robo-Warrior)
Favourite Fan Publication
Roll of Honor
The Eagle Awards were not presented or distributed in 1982[13] (except for possibly the Roll of Honour).
Roll of Honour
For comics published in 1982; awards presented 15 October 1983 at the London Comic Mart, Central Hall, Westminster,[15] by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.[13][16]
Favourite Comic Book Writer
Favourite Comic Book Artist (Penciler)
- Frank Miller
Favourite Inker
Favourite Comic Book
Favourite Character
- Wolverine
- Daredevil
Favourite Group or Team
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Title
Favourite Single or Continued Story
- Wolverine #1-4 (limited series)
Favourite New Comic Title
Favourite Comic Cover
- Doctor Strange #55 (Michael Golden)
Favourite Specialist Comics Publication
Favourite Comicbook Writer
Favourite Comicbook Artist
Favourite Comic
Favourite Comic Character
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Title
Favourite Single or Continued Story
- Marvelman (Warrior #1-3, 5 & 6)
Favourite New Comic
- Warrior
Favourite Comic Cover
- Warrior #7 (Mick Austin)
Favourite Specialist Comics Publication
- [PASS]
Roll of Honour
The 1984 awards[20] (for comics published in 1983) were announced/presented at the Birmingham Comic Art Show, on Saturday, June 2, 1984.[20][21]
London Comic Mart, Central Hall Westminster, on Saturday, June 2, 1984
Favourite Penciler
Favourite Inker
- Howard Chaykin
Favourite Writer
- Howard Chaykin
Favourite Comic
Favourite Character
Favourite Group or Team
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Title/Series
Favourite Single or Continued Story
- American Flagg! #1–2, "Hard Times"
- Love and Rockets #2, "Mechanics"
- Night Force #8–10, "Beast"
Favourite New Comic Title
Favourite Comic Cover
- American Flagg! #2, "Back in the U.S.A." (Howard Chaykin)
- American Flagg! #3, "Killed in the Ratings" (Howard Chaykin)
- Camelot 3000 #9, "Grailquest 3000" (Brian Bolland)
Favourite Special Comics Publication
Favourite Artist
Favourite Writer
Favourite Comic
Favourite Character
Roll of Honor
For comics released in 1984.[22]
Favourite Artist
Favourite Writer
Favourite Comic Book
Favourite Character
Favourite Group
Favourite Villain
- Torquemada, from Nemesis the Warlock (2000 AD), by Pat Mills and Brian Talbot (Fleetway)
Favourite Supporting Character
Character Most Worthy of Own Title
Favourite Story
Favourite New Title
Favourite Cover
- Warrior #19 by David Lloyd and Garry Leach
- The Mighty World of Marvel #12 by Alan Davis
- Warrior #18 by Steve Parkhouse
Favourite Speciality Comics Publication
Favourite Artist
Favourite Inker
Favourite Writer
Favourite Comic Book
Favourite Character
- Reuben Flagg
- Batman
- Maggie
Favourite Group
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
- Raul (the cat)
- Luther Ironheart
- Maggie
Character Most Worthy of Own Title
- The Spectre
- The Shadow
- Herbie
Favourite Story
- Superman #400
- Machine Man #1–3
- Love and Rockets #5
Favourite New Title
- Power Pack, written by Louise Simonson (Marvel Comics)
Favourite Cover
- New Mutants #22 by Bill Sienkiewicz
- American Flagg! #8 by Howard Chaykin
- Mister X #1 by Brendan McCarthy
Favourite Speciality Publication
Roll of Honour
Awards for comics released during 1985 were presented on Sunday, June 1, 1986, at The Birmingham Comic Art Show. The winners were:[24]
Favourite Artist
- Alan Davis
Favourite Writer
- Alan Moore
- Pat Mills
- Jamie Delano
Favourite Comic
- 2000 AD
- Captain Britain
- Escape
Favourite Comic Album
- Nemesis Book III
- Judge Dredd Annual 1986
- 2000 AD Annual 1986
Favourite Comic Character
- Halo Jones
- Judge Dredd
- Captain Britain
Favourite Villain
- Torquemada
- Judge Death
- Slaymaster
Favourite Supporting Character
- Meggan (Captain Britain)
- Ukko the Dwarf (Slaine)
- Judge Anderson
Character Most Worthy of Own Title
- Halo Jones
- V for Vendetta
- D.R. and Quinch
Favourite Single or Continued Story
- Halo Jones Book Two (2000 AD #406-415)
- Midnight Surfer (Judge Dredd, 2000 AD #424-429)
- DR and Quinch Get Back to Nature (2000 AD Summer Special)
Favourite New Comic
- Captain Britain
- The Best of 2000 AD
- Swiftsure
Favourite Comic Cover
- Captain Britain #6
- Captain Britain #8
- 2000 AD #450
Favourite Specialist Comics Publication
- Speakeasy
- Fantasy Advertiser
- Arkensword
Favourite Artist (penciller)
- George Pérez
- Art Adams
- John Byrne
Favourite Artist (inker)
- Terry Austin
Favourite Writer
- Alan Moore
- Chris Claremont
- Marv Wolfman
Favourite Comic Book
Favourite Graphic Novel
- American Flagg!: Hard Times
Favourite Character
- Batman
- Wolverine
- Swamp Thing
Favourite Group or Team
- X-Men
- Teen Titans
- Fantastic Four
Favourite Villain
Favourite Supporting Character
- John Constantine (Swamp Thing)
- Abby Cable (Swamp Thing)
- Raul the Cat (American Flagg!)
Character Most Worthy of Own Title
- Wolverine
Favourite Single or Continued Story
- Crisis on Infinite Earths #1-9
- X-Men Annual #9/New Mutants Special #1
- "American Gothic" in Swamp Thing #37
Favourite New Comic Title
- Miracleman
- Crisis on Infinite Earths
- Moonshadow
Favourite Comic Cover
- Swamp Thing #34
- Crisis on Infinite Earths #7
- New Mutants Special #1
Favourite Specialist Comics Publication
Roll of Honour
- Alan Moore
- Dick Giordano
- Frank Miller
The 1986 results were presented on Saturday, September 5, 1987, at UKCAC87, The Institute of Education, London WC1. The winners were:[26]
British Section
- Favourite Artist: Alan Davis
- Favourite Writer: Alan Moore
- Favourite Comic: 2000 AD
- Favourite Comic Album: D.R. and Quinch's Totally Awesome Guide to Life
- Favourite Character: Judge Dredd
- Favourite Villain: Torquemada
- Favourite Supporting Character: Ukko the Dwarf (from Sláine)
- Character Most Worthy of Own Title: Captain Britain
- Favourite Single or Continued Story: Halo Jones Book Three
- Favourite New Comic: Redfox
- Favourite Comic Cover: 2000 AD #500
- Favourite Specialist Comics Publication: Speakeasy
American section
- Favourite Artist (penciller): Frank Miller
- Favourite Artist (inker): Terry Austin
- Favourite Writer: Alan Moore
- Favourite Comicbook: Watchmen
- Favourite Graphic Novel: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
- Favourite Character: Batman
- Favourite Group or Team: X-Men
- Favourite Villain: The Joker
- Favourite Supporting Character: John Constantine
- Character Most Worthy of Own Title: Wolverine
- Favourite Single or Continued Story: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
- Favourite New Comic Title: Watchmen
- Favourite Comic Cover: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1
- Favourite Specialist Comics Publication: Amazing Heroes
Roll of Honour
- Frank Miller
The Awards for comics released during 1987 were presented on Saturday, September 24, 1988, at UKCAC88, The Institute of Education, London WC1. The winners were:[28]
British Section
- Favourite Artist: Bryan Talbot
- Favourite Writer: Pat Mills
- Favourite Comic: 2000 AD
- Favourite Comic Album: Violent Cases
- Favourite Character: Luther Arkwright
- Favourite Villain: Torquemada (Nemesis the Warlock)
- Favourite Supporting Character: Ukko the Dwarf (Sláine)
- Character Most Worthy of Own Title: Halo Jones
- Favourite Single or Continued Story: Zenith (2000 AD #535-550)
- Favourite New Comic: The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
- Favourite Comic Cover: The Adventures of Luther Arkwright #1 (Bryan Talbot)
- Favourite Specialist Comics Publication: Speakeasy
American Section
- Favourite Artist (penciller): Bill Sienkiewicz
- Favourite Artist (inker): Terry Austin
- Favourite Writer: Alan Moore
- Favourite Comicbook: Watchmen
- Favourite Graphic Novel: Daredevil: Love and War
- Favourite Character: Batman
- Favourite Group or Team: Justice League International
- Favourite Villain: The Joker
- Favourite Supporting Character: Abigail Arcane Cable
- Character Most Worthy of Own Title: Rorschach
- Favourite Single or Continued Story: Batman #404-407: Year One
- Favourite New Comic Title: Marshal Law
- Favourite Comic Cover: Wonder Woman #10
- Favourite Specialist Comics Publication: Amazing Heroes
Roll of Honour
- Pat Mills
The results for 1989 were presented at the 1990 United Kingdom Comic Art Convention (UKCAC) on September 23[29] by Paul Gambaccini and Dave Gibbons. The winners were:[30]
- Roll of Honour: 2000 AD
- Best International Comic Book: Akira
British Section
- Favourite Artist: Simon Bisley
- Favourite Writer: Grant Morrison
- Favourite Comic: 2000 AD
- Favourite Graphic Novel: Sláine: The Horned God Book I
- Favourite Character: Judge Dredd
- Favourite Villain: Judge Death
- Favourite Supporting Character: Middenface McNulty (Strontium Dog)
- Favourite Single or Continued Story: Sláine: The Horned God Book I (2000 AD #626-635)
- Favourite New Comic: The Bogie Man
- Favourite Comic Cover: 2000 AD Prog 626
- Favourite Specialist Comics Publication: Speakeasy
American Section
- Favourite Writer: Neil Gaiman, Sandman (DC)
- Favourite Artist (Penciller): Todd McFarlane
- Favourite Artist (Inker): Paul Neary
- Favourite Comicbook: Uncanny X-Men
- Favourite Graphic Novel: Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth
- Favourite Character: Batman
- Favourite Group or Team: Doom Patrol
- Favourite Villain: The Joker
- Character Most Worthy of Own Title: Captain Britain
- Favourite Single or Continued Story: Skreemer
- Favourite New Comic Title: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- Favourite Comic Cover: Aliens #1 by Denis Beauvais
- Favourite Specialist Comics Publication: Marvel Age
- 2nd place: The Comics Journal[29]
Template:Expand section Best Newcomer: Alex Ronald[31]
British Section
Favourite British Comic
(Sponsored by Comic Book Postal Auctions)
Favourite Comic Strip in a UK Comic or Magazine
- Judge Dredd (2000 AD/Judge Dredd Megazine)
- Action Man (Action Man Monthly)
- Doctor Who (Doctor Who Magazine)
- Nikolai Dante (2000 AD)
- Sinister Dexter (2000 AD)
Favourite UK Non-newsstand Title
(Sponsored by Red Route)
North American Section
The following award nominations cover creators and work published in the U.S. and Canada only (irrespective of the country of origin of the work or the nationality of its creators), with nominations based purely on work published in 1999:
Favourite Colour Comicbook
(Sponsored by Quality Comics)
- 1999: Preacher, by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon
- Transmetropolitan
- Acme Novelty Library
- Avengers
Favourite Black & White Comicbook
(Sponsored by Page 45)
Favourite New Comicbook of 1999
(Sponsored by Dynamic Forces)
International Section
Favourite Comics Writer
- Alan Moore
- Kurt Busiek
- Warren Ellis
- Garth Ennis
- Grant Morrison
Favourite Comics Artist (penciller)
- George Pérez
- Steve Dillon
- Bryan Hitch
- Frank Quitely
- Bryan Talbot
Favourite Comic Book Artist (inker)
- Jimmy Palmiotti
- Terry Austin
- Mark Farmer
- Mick Gray
- Paul Neary
Favourite Comics Artist (painted artwork)
Favourite Comics Artist (colouring)
Favourite Comics Editor
- Denny O'Neil
Favourite Comic (excluding North American and UK titles)
(Sponsored by Knockabout Comics)
- Bacchus, by Eddie Campbell (Australia)
- Comix 2000 (France)
- Dylan Dog (Italy)
- Lapin (France)
- Pokémon (Japan)
Favourite Comics Character
(Sponsored by David's Comics)
- Batman, created by Bob Kane
- Cerebus, created by Dave Sim
- Jesse Custer (Preacher), created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon
- Spider Jerusalem (Transmetropolitan), created by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson
- Superman, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Favourite Comics Story (which appeared, began or ended during 1999)
(Sponsored by Quality Comics)
- Daredevil (#1-8), by Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada
- No Man's Land
- Heart of Empire
- Avengers Forever
- The Inhumans
- Sam and Twitch (#1-7: Udaku)
Character Most Worthy of Own Ongoing Title
- Luther Arkwright (Heart of Empire)
- The Huntress (Batman)
- Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)
- Jenny Sparks (The Authority)
- Storm (The X-Men)
Favourite Supporting Character
- Oracle/Barbara Gordon (Batman/Birds of Prey)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Batman)
- Cassidy (Preacher)
- Tulip O'Hare (Preacher)
- Plastic Man (JLA)
Favourite Cover Published During 1999
- Batman: Harley Quinn by Alex Ross
- Batman: War on Crime
- 2000 AD Prog 2000
- Daredevil #9
- The Inhumans #11
Favourite Comics Villain
(Sponsored by B-Hive Ltd.)
- Herr Starr (Preacher)
- Doctor Doom (Fantastic Four)
- Joker (Batman)
- Lex Luthor (Superman)
- Magneto (X-Men)
Favourite Graphic Novel
(Sponsored by Diamond Comic Distributors)
- JLA: Earth 2, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
- Sandman: The Dream Hunters
- Batman: War on Crime
- Good-Bye, Chunky Rice
- You Are Here
Favourite Trade Paperback
- From Hell: To Hell, by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Crisis on Infinite Earths
- Daredevil: Visionaries
- 300
Favourite Newspaper Strip
(Sponsored by Gosh)
- Peanuts
- Dilbert
- Doonesbury
- Garfield
- Liberty Meadows
Favourite Comics Related Website (professional)
Favourite Comics Related Website (fan-organized)
(Sponsored by eBay)
- Sequential Tart
- Twist and Shout Comics Online
- Fanzing
- x-fan.htm
- Class of ‘79
Favourite Comics E-Zine
- Astounding Space Thrills, by Steve Conley
- Comic Book Net Electronic Magazine
- The Matrix
- Rust
- X-Flies: Flies in Black
Favourite Trade Publication
(Sponsored by East End Offset)
- Wizard
- Comic Book Artist
- Comics Buyer's Guide
- Comics International
- The Comics Journal
Favourite Comics-based Film or TV Series
(Sponsored by SFX magazine)
Roll of Honour
(Sponsored by Cartoon Art Trust) A lifetime achievement award.
Note: Voting ended in October 2001 and the winners were announced in June 2002, so news reports announced these variously as the 2001, or 2002 Eagle Awards.
British Section
Favourite British Comic
Favourite Comic Strip to Appear in a UK Comic or Magazine
- Nikolai Dante (2000 AD)
- Judge Dredd (2000 AD/Judge Dredd Megazine)
- Necronauts
Favourite British Small Press Title
North American Section
The following award nominations cover creators and work published in the US and Canada only (irrespective of the country of origin of the work or the nationality of its creators), with nominations based purely on work published in 2000:
Favourite Colour Comicbook
Favourite Black & White Comicbook
- Liberty Meadows, by Frank Cho
- Bone, by Jeff Smith
- Strangers in Paradise, by Terry Moore
Favourite New Comicbook of 2000
International Section
Favourite Comics Writer
Favourite Comics Writer/Artist
- Frank Miller
- Brian Michael Bendis
- David W. Mack
Favourite Comics Artist: Pencils
- Frank Quitely
- Michael Avon Oeming
- George Pérez
Favourite Comic Book Artist:Inks
- Mark Farmer
- Paul Neary
- Jimmy Palmiotti
Favourite Comics Artist:Fully Painted Artwork
- Alex Ross
- Glenn Fabry
- David Mack
Favourite Colourist
- Laura DePuy
- Chris Blythe
- Liquid!
Favourite Comics Editor
- Andy Diggle (Mighty Tharg: 2000 AD)
- Tom Brevoort
- Joe Quesada
Favourite Manga Comic
Favourite European Comic
- Metabarons (France)
- The Extended Dream of Mr. D (Spain)
- Ratman (Italy)
Favourite Comics Character
Favourite Comics Story
(which appeared, began or ended during 2000)
- The Authority: The Nativity
- Starman: Grand Guignol
- Powers: Who Killed Retro Girl?
Character Most Worthy of Own Ongoing Title
- Elijah Snow (Planetary)
- Dr. Mid-Nite (JSA)
- Harry Exton/Button Man (2000 AD)
Favourite Supporting Character in Comics
- Commissioner James Gordon (Batman)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Batman)
- Uncle Ben (Ultimate Spider-Man)
Favourite Comics Cover Published During 2000
- Ultimate Spider-Man #1, by Joe Quesada
- 100 Bullets #21, by Dave Johnson
- The Authority #14, by Frank Quitely
Favourite Comics Villain
- Lex Luthor (Superman)
- Doctor Doom (Fantastic Four)
- The Joker (Batman)
Favourite Graphic Novel
- Safe Area Gorazde, by Joe Sacco
- Pedro and Me, by Judd Winick
- Torso, by Brian Michael Bendis
Favourite Reprint Collection
- The Authority: Under New Management
- No Man's Land, Volume 1
- Lone Wolf and Cub
Favourite Newspaper Strip
Favourite Magazine about Comics
Favourite Comics-based Book
- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, by Michael Chabon
- Reinventing Comics, by Scott McCloud
- Wonder Woman: The Complete History, by Les Daniels
Internet Section
Favourite Comics Related Website (professional)
- Comic Book Resources
- 2000ADonline
- Newsarama
Favourite Comics E-Zine
Favourite Web-based Comic
- Sluggy Freelance
- Astounding Space Thrills, by Steve Conley
- Zot!, by Scott McCloud
Roll of Honour
Presented at the inaugural Comic Expo, held November 6–7, at the Ramada City Inn in Bristol.[32]
Favourite Colour Comicbook
- Fantastic Four (Marvel Comics)[33]
- Planetary
- The Ultimates
Favourite Black & White Comicbook
- Bone (Cartoon Books)
Favourite New Comicbook
- Conan (Dark Horse)
Favourite Comics Writer
- J. Michael Straczynski
- Brian Michael Bendis
- Mark Millar
Favourite Comics Writer/Artist
- Mike Mignola
- Jeff Smith
- Chris Ware
Favourite Comics Artist: Pencils
- Jim Lee
Favourite Comics Artist: Inks
- Scott Williams
- Jimmy Palmiotti
- Kevin Nowlan
Favourite Comics Artist: Painted Art
- Alex Ross
- Gabriel del Otto
- Glenn Fabry
Favourite Colourist
Favourite Comics Editor
- Axel Alonzo (Marvel Comics)
- Tom Brevoort
- Joey Cavalieri
Favourite Manga Comic
- Blade of the Immortal (Dark Horse)
Favourite European Comic
- Tex (Sergio Bonelli Editore, Italy)
Favourite Comics Character
- Batman (DC)
Favourite Comics Story
- Daredevil #46-50: Hardcore (Brian Michael Bendis & Alex Maleev)
- Conan: The Legend (#0; Kurt Busiek/Cary Nord)
- Gotham Central: Half a Life (#6-10; Greg Rucka/Michael Lark)
Character Most Worthy of Own Title
- Doctor Strange (Marvel Comics)
- Captain Britain
- Marvelman/Miracleman
Favourite Supporting Character
- Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man – Marvel Comics)
- Phoney Bone (Bone)
- Doc Brass (Planetary)
Favourite Comics Cover
- JLA: Liberty and Justice (Alex Ross)
- Global Frequency #7 (Brian Wood)
- Hulk: Gray #1 (Tim Sale)
Favourite Comics Villain
- Doctor Doom (Fantastic Four – Marvel Comics)
- Hush (Batman)
- The Icicle (JSA)
Favourite Graphic Novel
- Sgt. Rock: Between Hell and a Hard Place (Brian Azzarello/Joe Kubert)
- Blankets (Craig Thompson)
- The Fixer (Joe Sacco)
Favourite Reprint Compilation
- The Chronicles of Conan (Dark Horse)
- Absolute Authority
- The Spirit Archives
Favourite Newspaper Strip
- Mutts (Patrick McDonnell)
- Maakies (Tony Millionaire)
- Spooner (Ted Dawson)
Favourite Magazine About Comics
- The Comics Journal (Fantagraphics Books)
- Comic Book Artist
- Comics International
- Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross (Chip Kidd with Geoff Spear)
- The Art of Mike Mignola
- Sandman: King of Dreams (Alisa Kwitney)
Favourite Comics-based Movie or TV
- Kingdom Come action figures (DC Select; second series)
Favourite British Comic
Favourite Comic Strip to Appear in a UK Comic or Magazine
- Judge Dredd (2000 AD/Judge Dredd Megazine – Rebellion)
- Sid the Sexist (Viz)
- Bash Street Kids (The Beano)
Favourite British Small Press Title
- Comic Book Resources
- Silver Bullet Comic Books
Favourite Comics E-Zine
- Newsarama
- The Pulse
- Sequential Tart
Favourite Web-based Comic
- PvP (Scott Kurtz)
- Marc Hempel's Naked Brain
- Mike Snart
Roll of Honour
- Neil Gaiman
The results[34] were announced on 13 May 2006 at the Comic Expo in Bristol.
Favourite Colour Comicbook - American
- The Ultimates Volume 2 (Marvel Comics)
- Ex Machina (DC/Wildstorm)
- JSA (DC)
Favourite Colour Comicbook - British
- Judge Dredd Megazine (Rebellion)
- Brodie's Law (Pulp Theatre Entertainment)
- Midnight Kiss (Markosia)
Favourite Black & White Comicbook - American
- The Walking Dead (Image Comics)
- Love and Rockets (Fantagraphics)
- Queen & Country (Image)
Favourite Black & White Comicbook - British
- Springheeled Jack (Black Boar Press)
- Freak Show (Atomic Diner)
- Solar Wind (Solar Wind)
Favourite New Comicbook
- All-Star Superman (DC) (Grant Morrison/Frank Quitely)
- Albion (Alan Moore/Leah Moore/John Reppion/Shane Oakley)
- Young Avengers (Allan Heinberg/Jim Cheung/John Dell)
Favourite Comics Writer
- Grant Morrison
Favourite Comics Writer/Artist
- Howard Chaykin
Favourite Comics Artist: Pencils
- Bryan Hitch
- Alan Davis
- Leinil Francis Yu
Favourite Comics Artist: Inks
- Jimmy Palmiotti
- Mark Farmer
- Ande Parks
Favourite Comics Artist: Fully Painted Artwork
- Alex Ross
- David W. Mack
- Kent Williams
Favourite Colourist
Favourite Letterer
Favourite Comics Editor
Favourite Publisher
- DC Comics
- IDW Publishing
- Marvel Comics
Favourite Manga
- Blade of the Immortal (Dark Horse)
- Cromartie High School (Elji Nonaka)
- Shonen Jump (Various)
Favourite European Comic
- Asterix and the Falling Sky (Albert Rene Editions, France)
- Olympus (Humanoids Publishing, France)
- XIII (Dargaud, France)
Favourite Comics Character
- Batman
- Hellboy
- Judge Dredd
Favourite Comics Villain
- Joker
- Doctor Doom
- Doctor Light
Favourite Comics Story
- The Ultimates volume 2 #1-9 (Mark Millar, Bryan Hitch and Paul Neary)
- The OMAC Project #1-6 (Rucka/Sai)
- Wolverine #20-25 (Mark Millar/John Romita Jr./Klaus Janson)
Favourite Comics Cover
- All-Star Superman #1 (Frank Quitely)
- The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist #7 (Brian Bolland)
- The Ultimates Volume 2#2 (Bryan Hitch)
Favourite Original Graphic Novel
- Top 10: The Forty-Niners (Alan Moore and Gene Ha)
- The Quitter (Harvey Pekar and Dean Haspiel)
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Bryan Lee O’Malley)
Favourite Reprint Compilation
- Absolute Watchmen (Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons)
- Charley's War (Pat Mills and Joe Colquhoun)
- Negative Burn: The Very Best of 1993–1998 (Various)
Favourite Magazine About Comics
- The Comics Journal (Fantagraphics Books)
- Comic Book Artist (Top Shelf)
- Comics International (Quality Communications)
Favourite Comics-Related Book
- Eisner/Miller (edited by Charles Brownstein & Diana Schutz)
- Foul Play: The Art and Artists of the Notorious 1950s EC Comics (Grant Geissman)
- Will Eisner: A Spirited Life (Bob Andelman)
Favourite Comics-based Movie or TV
- Batman Begins (Christopher Nolan, director)
- A History of Violence (David Cronenberg, director)
- Sin City (Robert Rodriguez/Frank Miller, director)
- Silver Bullet Comic Books
- Comic Book Resources
- Newsarama
Favourite Web-based Comic
- Supernatural Law (
- Ctrl+Alt+Del (
- Questionable Content (
Roll of Honour
- Grant Morrison
- Howard Chaykin
- Alex Toth
Eagle Awards 30th Anniversary Award for Outstanding Achievements in British Comics
Nominations were made by the general comics-reading public via the Eagle Awards website, with the five most popular becoming nominees for the awards. The awards ceremony was held on Saturday, May 12, 2007, at the 2007 Bristol Comic Expo and was hosted by Norman Lovett.[35]
Favourite Colour Comicbook - American
- All-Star Superman
Favourite Colour Comicbook - British
Favourite Black & White Comicbook - American
- The Walking Dead
Favourite Black & White Comicbook - British
Favourite New Comicbook
Favourite Comics Writer
- Warren Ellis
- Brian K Vaughan
- Ed Brubaker
- Alan Moore
- Grant Morrison
Favourite Comics Writer/Artist
- Mike Mignola
- Alan Davis
- Ben Templesmith
- Darwyn Cooke
- Michael Avon Oeming
Favourite Comics Artist: Pencils
- John Cassaday
- Frank Quitely
- Bryan Hitch
- Alex Maleev
- Frank Cho
Favourite Comics Artist: Inks
- Paul Neary
- Ande Parks
- Danny Miki
- Jimmy Palmiotti
- Mark Farmer
Favourite Comics Artist: Fully Painted Artwork
- Alex Ross
- Alex Maleev
- Ashley Wood
- Ben Templesmith
- James Jean
Favourite Colourist
- Laura Martin
- Dave Stewart
- Alex Sinclair
- Chris Blythe
- Richard Isanove
Favourite Letterer
- Chris Eliopoulos
- Comiccraft
- Richard Starkings
- Todd Klein
- Tom Frame
Favourite Editor
- Matt Smith
- Axel Alonso
- Tom Brevoort
- Steve Wacker
Favourite Publisher
- Marvel Comics
- Dark Horse Comics
- DC Comics
- Image Comics
- Rebellion Developments
Favourite Manga
Favourite European Comic
- Asterix and the Vikings
- The Killer
- Sancho
- Blacksad: Red Soul
Favourite Comics Character
- Batman
- Captain America
- Daredevil
- Judge Dredd
- Spider-Man
Favourite Comics Villain
- Dirk Anger (Nextwave: Marvel Comics|)
- Joker (Batman family: DC)
- Lex Luthor (Superman family: DC)
- Black Adam (Infinite Crisis/JSA: DC)
- Iron Man (Civil War: Marvel)
Favourite Comics Story Published During 2006
- Nextwave #1-6
- All-Star Superman
- Civil War #1 up
- Daredevil #82-87 The Devil in Cell Block D
- 52 #1 up
Favourite Comics Cover Published During 2006
- Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall (James Jean)
- Civil War #1 (Steve McNiven)
- The Ultimates 2 #12 (Bryan Hitch)
- Nextwave #11 (Stuart Immonen)
- 52 #1 (J.G. Jones)
- Justice League of America #1 (Ed Benes)
Favourite Original Graphic Novel
- Pride of Baghdad
- Stagger Lee
- Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall
- The Five Fists of Science
- Lost Girls
Favourite Reprint Compilation
- Absolute Sandman v1
- Captain America: Winter Soldier v1
- Absolute Dark Knight
- Absolute DC: The New Frontier
- Absolute Kingdom Come
Favourite Magazine About Comics
- Wizard
- Alter Ego
- Back Issue!
- Comics International
- The Comics Journal
- Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels (Scott McCloud; HarperCollins)
- George Pérez: Story Teller (Dynamite)
- Great British Comics (Paul Gravett and Peter Stanbury; Aurum Press)
- The Art of Brian Bolland (Image/Desperado)
- Writing For Comics With Peter David (Impact Books)
Favourite Comics-based Movie or TV
- Newsarama
- Comic Book Resources
- Manga Life
- Millarworld
- Silver Bullet Comic Books
Favourite Web-based Comic
Roll of Honour
- Warren Ellis
- Alex Toth
- Brian K. Vaughan
- Brian Michael Bendis
- Tom Frame
The ceremony was held on Saturday May 10, 2008, at the Bristol Comic Expo, and the awards were presented by comedian Fraser Ayres.[36]
Award for Favourite Newcomer Writer
Award for Favourite Newcomer Artist
- David Aja
- Azim Akberali
- Cliff Chiang
- Declan Shalvey
- Mahmud A. Asrar
Award for Favourite Comics Writer
- Alan Moore
- Brian K. Vaughan
- Brian Michael Bendis
- Ed Brubaker
- Warren Ellis
Award for Favourite Comics Writer/Artist
- Alan Davis
- Bob Byrne
- Bryan Talbot
- Darwyn Cooke
- Eric Powell
Award for Favourite Comics Artist: Pencils
- Frank Cho
- Bryan Hitch
- Ethan Van Sciver
- Frank Quitely
- Thomas Boatwright
Award for Favourite Comics Artist: Inks
- D'Israeli (Matt Brooker)
- Ande Parks
- Frank Quitely
- Gary Erskine
- Thomas Boatwright
Award for Favourite Artist: Template:SicPainted Artwork
- Alex Ross
- Ashley Wood
- Azim Akberali
- Ben Templesmith
- Marko Djurdjevic
Award for Favourite Colourist
- Laura Martin
- D'Israeli (Matt Brooker)
- Dave Stewart
- Matt Hollingsworth
- Richard Isanove
Award for Favourite Letterer
- Dave Gibbons
- Chris Eliopoulos
- Richard Starkings
- Thomas Mauer
- Todd Klein
Award for Favourite Editor
- Tharg (Matt Smith)
- Axel Alonso
- Chris Ryall
- Kris Simon
- Tom Brevoort
Award for Favourite Publisher
Award for Favourite Colour Comicbook - American
- Hellboy: Darkness Calls
- All-Star Superman
- Awakening
- Captain America
- Y: The Last Man
Award for Favourite Colour Comicbook - British
Award for Favourite Black and White Comicbook - American
- The Walking Dead
Award for Favourite Black and White Comicbook - British
Award for Favourite New Comicbook
Award for Favourite Manga
Award for Favourite European Comics
- Requiem, Vampire Knight
- Blacksad
- Dylan Dog
- Sancho
- The Killer
Award for Favourite Comics Story published during 2007
- Captain America 25-30: The Death of Captain America
- Criminal 6-10: Lawless
- Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War
- Hellboy: Darkness Calls
- Y: The Last Man 55-60
Award for Favourite Comics Cover published during 2007
- World War Hulk 1A (David Finch)
- Fables 66 (James Jean)
- Immortal Iron Fist 4 (David Aja)
- Northlanders 1B (Adam Kubert)
- The Umbrella Academy 1 (James Jean)
Award for Favourite Original Graphic Novel
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
- Alice in Sunderland
- The Goon: Chinatown
- The Order of the Stick: Start of Darkness
- The Surreal Adventures of Edgar Allan Poo
Award for Favourite Reprint Compilation
- Absolute Sandman Volume 2
- Criminal 1: Coward
- Dynamo 5 Vol 1
- Immortal Iron Fist: The Last Iron Fist Story
- Strontium Dog Search/Destroy Agency Files 03
Award for Favourite Comics Hero
- Batman
- Dan Dare
- Hellboy
- Judge Dredd
- Spider-Man
Award for Favourite Comics Villain
- Joker
- Doctor Doom
- Harley Quinn
- Iron Man
- Sinestro
Award for Favourite Magazine About Comics
- Wizard
- Back Issue!
- Comics International
- Draw!
- The Comics Journal
- Write Now!
Award for Favourite Comics-Related Book
- Our Gods Wear Spandex
- Pulphope: The Art of Paul Pope
- Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean
- Thrill Power Overload
- Uno Tarino: The Latest Art of Ashley Wood
Award for Favourite Comics-Based Movie Or TV
- 300
- 30 Days of Night
- Heroes
- Spider-Man 3
- Stardust
Award for Favourite Comics Related Website
- 2000ADonline
- Comic Book Resources
- Jinxworld
- Newsarama
Award for Favourite Web-Based Comic
Award for Roll of Honour
- Mike Mignola
- Bill Sienkiewicz
- Brian Bolland
- Brian K. Vaughan
- Mike Wieringo
The 2009 vote was skipped but the 2010 awards (for work done in 2009)[37] were presented at the London MCM Expo in a gala held at ExCeL London on 29 October 2009.[38]
Favourite Newcomer Writer
Favourite Newcomer Artist
- Jamie McKelvie
- David Lafuente
- Declan Shalvey
- John Cullen
- Matt Timson
Favourite Writer
- Warren Ellis
- Alan Moore
- Geoff Johns
- John Wagner
- Tony Lee
Favourite Writer/Artist
- Darwyn Cooke
- Bryan Lee O'Malley
- David Mazzucchelli
- John Byrne
- Paul Grist
Favourite Artist: Pencils
- Frank Quitely
Favourite Artist: Inks
- Kevin O'Neill
- Butch Guice
- Charlie Adlard
- Gary Erskine
- Mark Farmer
Favourite Artist: Template:SicPainted Artwork
- J. H. Williams III
- Adi Granov
- Alex Ross
- Ben Templesmith
- James Jean
Favourite Colourist
- Ben Templesmith
Favourite Letterer
- Todd Klein
- Annie Parkhouse
- Chris Eliopoulos
- Nate Piekos
- Richard Starkings
- Simon Bowland
Favourite Editor
- Axel Alonso
- Matt Smith
- Nick Lowe
- Stephen Wacker
- Tom Brevoort
Favourite Publisher
- DC Comics/Vertigo
- IDW Publishing
- Image Comics
- Marvel Comics
- Rebellion Developments (2000 AD)
Favourite American Colour Comicbook
- Batman and Robin
- B.P.R.D.
- Captain Britain and MI13
- Chew
- Doctor Who (IDW)
- Phonogram: The Singles Club
- Scalped
Favourite British Colour Comicbook
Favourite American Black and White Comicbook
- The Walking Dead
Favourite British Black and White Comicbook
Favourite New Comicbook
- Batman and Robin
- Chew
- Doctor Who
- Rí Rá
- The Unwritten
Favourite Manga
Favourite European Comicbook
Favourite Single Story Published During 2009
- Phonogram: The Singles Club #4: "Konichiwa Bitches"
- Doctor Who: "The Time Machination"
- Doctor Who: "Black Death White Life"
- From the Pages of Bram Stoker's Dracula: Harker
- R.E.B.E.L.S. Annual #1: "Starro the Conqueror"
Favourite Continued Story Published During 2009
- The Walking Dead #61-65: "Fear The Hunters"
- Doctor Who: The Forgotten
- Judge Dredd: "Tour of Duty"
- Phonogram: The Singles Club
- Scalped #19-24: "The Gravel in your Gut"
Favourite Cover Published During 2009
- Batman and Robin #4 (Frank Quitely)
- 2000 AD #1631 (D'Israeli featuring Dirty Frank)
- Batgirl #2 (Phil Noto)
- Batman and Robin #3 (Frank Quitely)
- Doctor Who: The Forgotten #6 (Ben Templesmith)
Favourite Original Graphic Novel Published During 2009
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century
- Asterios Polyp
- Grandville
- Mouse Guard: Winter 1152
- The Hunter
Favourite Reprint Compilation
- Captain Britain by Alan Moore and Alan Davis Omnibus
- Charley's War: Underground and Over The Top
- Doctor Who: The Forgotten
- Saga of the Swamp Thing
- The Rocketeer: The Complete Adventures
Favourite Magazine about Comics
- Wizard
- Back Issue!
- Comics International
- The Comics Journal
- Tripwire
Favourite Comics-Related Book
- The Insider's Guide to Creating Comics and Graphic Novels by Andy Schmidt
- Comic Book Design by Gary Millidge
- Peter and Max: A Fables Novel by Bill Willingham
- The Marvel Art of Marko Djurdjevic
- War Stories by Mike Conroy
Favourite Comics-Related Movie or TV Show
Favourite Comics Related Website
- Comic Book Resources
- 2000adonline
- Bleeding Cool
- Forbidden Planet Blog
- Newsarama
Favourite Web-Based Comic
Roll of Honour
- Brian Bolland
The awards for work in 2010 on 27 May 2011 and was presented by Billy West.[39][40]
Favourite Newcomer Writer
Favourite Newcomer Artist
- Sara Pichelli
- Rafael Albuquerque
- Fiona Staples
- Sean Murphy
- Bryan Lee O'Malley
Favourite Writer
- Grant Morrison
- Ed Brubaker
- Robert Kirkman
- Warren Ellis
- John Wagner
Favourite Writer/Artist
- Mike Mignola
- Gabriel Ba (with co-author Fabio Moon)
- Darwyn Cooke
- Jeff Lemire
Favourite Artist: Pencils
- J. H. Williams III
- Mike Mignola
- Dave Ryan
- Carlos Ezquerra
- Becky Cloonan
Favourite Artist: Inks
- Mike Mignola
- Carlos Ezquerra
- Gary Erskine
- Becky Cloonan
- Bill Sienkiewicz
Favourite Artist: Template:SicPainted Artwork
Favourite Colourist
Favourite Letterer
- Richard Starkings
- Annie Parkhouse
- Rus Wooton
- Jim Campbell
- Chris Eliopoulos
Favourite Editor
- Matt Smith/Tharg
- Scott Allie
- Tom Brevoort
- Steve Wacker
- Todd McFarlane
Favourite Publisher
- DC Comics/Vertigo/WildStorm
- Dark Horse Comics
- Image Comics/Top Cow
- IDW Publishing
- Marvel Comics
Favourite American Comicbook: Colour
Favourite American Comicbook: Black and White
- The Walking Dead
Favourite British Comicbook: Colour
Favourite British Comicbook: Black and White
- Commando
- Zarjaz
- Dogbreath
- FutureQuake
- Paragon
Favourite New Comicbook
Favourite Manga
Favourite European Comicbook
Favourite Web-Based Comic
Favourite Single Story
- Daytripper #8
- Legends: The Enchanted #0
- A Cat Named Haiku
- Sea Bear and Grizzly Shark
- Amazing Spider-Man #625: "Endanger Species"
Favourite Continued Story
- The Walking Dead #73-79: "Too Far Gone"
- Hellboy #47-49: "The Storm"
- Fables #94-98: "Rose Red"
- Invincible #71-ongoing: "The Viltrumite War"
- 2000 AD #1650-1693: Judge Dredd: "Tour of Duty"
Favourite 2010 Cover
- Batwoman #0 by J.H. Williams III
- Daytripper #2 by Gabriel Ba
- 2000 AD #1700 by Jonathan Davis Hunt
- War of the Independents by Dave Ryan
- Axe Cop, Volume 1 by Ethan Nicolle
Favourite 2010 Original Graphic Novel
- Scott Pilgrim, Volume 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour
Favourite Reprint Compilation
- Absolute All Star Superman
- Charley's War: Great Mutiny
- Batwoman: Elegy
- The Walking Dead, Volume 13
- Doctor Who: Fugitive
Favourite Comics-Related Book
- 75 Years of DC Comics (by Paul Levitz, Taschen)
- Icons: The DC Comics and Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee (Titan Books)
- The Horror, The Horror: Comic Books The Government Didn't Want You To Read (Harry N. Abrams, Inc.)
- Mega-City One Archives (Mongoose Publishing)
- Cover Run: The DC Comic Art of Adam Hughes (DC Comics)
Favourite Comics-Related Movie or TV Show
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
- Kick Ass
- The Big Bang Theory
- The Walking Dead
- Iron Man 2
Favourite Comics-Related Website
- Comic Book Resources
- Newsarama
- ComicsAlliance
- Comic Attack
- Bleeding Cool
- Girls Read Comics Too
Favourite Magazine about Comics
- Wizard
Roll of Honour
- Dave Gibbons
- Bryan Lee O'Malley
- John Byrne
- Carlos Ezquerra
- David Mazzucchelli
The 2012 Eagle Awards were announced on 25 May 2012.[41][42]
Favourite Newcomer Writer
- Jeff Lemire
- J. H. Williams III
- Michael Carroll
- Nathan Edmondson
- Robert Curley
Favourite Newcomer Artist
Favourite Writer
- Scott Snyder
- Alan Moore
- Ed Brubaker
- Geoff Johns
- Grant Morrison
Favourite Writer/Artist
- Frank Miller
- Darwyn Cooke
- Francis Manapul
- J. H. Williams III
- Jeff Lemire
Favourite Artist: Pencils
- J. H. Williams III
- Becky Cloonan
- Chris Bachalo
- Ivan Reis
- Jim Lee
Favourite Artist: Inks
- Scott Williams
- Becky Cloonan
- Chris Samnee
- D'Israeli
- Gary Erskine
Favourite Artist: Fully Painted Artwork
- Alex Ross
- Adi Granov
- Esad Ribić
- J. H. Williams III
- Sean Phillips
Favourite Colourist
Favourite Letterer
- Richard Starkings/Comicraft
- Annie Parkhouse
- Chris Eliopoulos
- Ed Dukeshire
- Todd Klein
Favourite Editor
- Karen Berger
- Chris Ryall
- Matt Smith
- Steve Wacker
- Tom Brevoort
Favourite Publisher
- DC Comics/Vertigo
- Dark Horse Comics
- IDW Publishing
- Image Comics
- Marvel Comics
Favourite American Comicbook: Colour
Favourite American Comicbook: Black and White
- The Walking Dead
Favourite British Comicbook: Colour
Favourite British Comicbook: Black and White
Favourite New Comicbook
- Batman
- Animal Man
- Aquaman
- Daredevil
- Wolverine and the X-Men
Favourite Manga
Favourite European Comicbook
Favourite Web-Based Comic
Favourite Single Story
- Doctor Who (IDW) #12
- The Amazing Spider-Man #655
- Animal Man #1
- Aquaman #4
- Daredevil #7
Favourite Continued Story
- Walking Dead: "No Way Out"
- American Vampire: "Ghost War"
- Batwoman: "Hydrology"
- Chew: "Flambe"
- Detective Comics: "The Black Mirror"
Favourite 2011 Cover
- Batwoman #1 by J.H. Williams III
- 2000 AD #1752 by D'Israeli (featuring Dirty Frank)
- Aquaman #1 by Ivan Reis
- Daredevil #1 by Paolo Rivera
- Detective Comics #880 by Jock
Favourite 2011 Original Graphic Novel
Favourite Reprint Compilation
- Thor Omnibus by Walt Simonson
- Aquaman: Death of A Prince
- Detective Comics: The Black Mirror
- Walking Dead, Volume 15
- We3 Deluxe Edition
Favourite Comics-Related Book
- Supergods: Our World in the Age of the Superhero
- 1001 Comics You Must Read Before You Die
- Alan Moore: Storyteller
- The Batman Files
- The Marvel Art of John Romita, Jr.
Favourite Comics-Related Movie or TV Show
Favourite Comics-Related Website
- Bleeding Cool
- Comic Book Resources
- ComicsAlliance
- Newsarama
- Zona Negativa
Favourite Magazine about Comics
Roll of Honour
- Frank Quitely
- Adam Hughes
- Brian Michael Bendis
- Darwyn Cooke
- Geoff Johns
The Eagle Awards returned one last time, renamed as The True Believers Comics Award but keeping essentially the same format as in the past. They were presented at the London Film and Comic Con (with Anthony Stewart Head hosting) on July 12, 2014.[43]
Favourite Rising Star: Writer
- Matt Fraction
- Al Ewing
- Charles Soule
- Katie Cook
- Scott Snyder
Favourite Rising Star: Artist
- Fiona Staples
- Annie Wu
- Declan Shalvey
- Katie Cook
- Sean Murphy
Favourite Writer
- Matt Fraction
- Alan Moore
- James Roberts
- Kelly Sue DeConnick
- Scott Snyder
Favourite Artist: Pencils
- Fiona Staples
- Becky Cloonan
- David Aja
- Greg Capullo
- J.H. Williams
Favourite Artist: Inks
- Becky Cloonan
- Bill Sienkiewicz
- Brian Bolland
- David Aja
- J.H. Williams III
Favourite Artist: Fully-Painted Art
- Fiona Staples
- Adi Granov
- Alex Ross
- Francesco Francavilla
- J.H. Williams III
Favourite Colourist
- Matt Hollingsworth
- Francesco Francavilla
- Jordie Bellaire
- Laura Allred
- Laura Martin
Favourite Letterer
- Annie Parkhouse
- Comicraft
- Jim Campbell
- Terry Moore
- Todd Klein
Favourite Editor
- Chris Ryall
- Matt Smith
- Nick Lowe
- Scott Allie
- Stephen Wacker
Favourite American Comicbook: Colour
- Saga
- Batman
- Hawkeye
- Sex Criminals
- Transformers: More than Meets the Eye
Favourite British Comic: Colour
- 2000 AD
- Death Sentence
- Dungeon Fun
- Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale
- Saltire Invasion
Favourite American Comicbook: Black and White
- The Walking Dead
- Batman Black and White
- Punk Rock Jesus
- Rachel Rising
- Satellite Sam
Favourite British Comic: Black and White
- Good Cop Bad Cop by Jim Alexander
- Dexter's Half Dozen
- Futurequake
- School of Bitches
- Wolf Country
Favourite New Comics Title: Ongoing or Mini-Series
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- East of West
- Pretty Deadly
- Rat Queens
- Sex Criminals
- The Wake
Favourite European Comicbook
- Asterix and the Picts
- Amoras
- Celtic Warrior: The Legend of Cú Chulainn
- Finn & Fish
- Orfani
Favourite Manga
- Attack on Titan
- Bleach
- Naruto
- One Piece
- Yotsuba&!
Favourite Original Graphic Novel
- Avengers: Endless Wartime
- Battling Boy
- Nemo: Heart of Ice
- Richard Stark's Parker: Slayground
- The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story
- The Unwritten: Tommy Taylor and the Ship That Sank Twice
Favourite Reprint Compilation
- Hawkeye Volume 1 Oversized H/C
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- Jeff Smith's Bone's The Great Cow Race: Artist's Edition
- The Joker: The Clown Prince of Crime
- Zenith
Favourite Single Story
- "Pizza is my Business," Hawkeye #11
- "Cybertronian Homesick Blues", Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #13
- "Kingdoms Fall" Infinity #3
- "The End" Locke & Key: Alpha #2
- Afterlife with Archie #1
Favourite Continued Story
- Saga
- Batman #21 on – "Zero Year"
- Fables #125-129 – "Snow White"
- The Walking Dead #115 on – "All Out War"
- Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #17-21 – "Remain in Light"
Favourite 2013 Cover
Favourite Publisher
- IDW Publishing
- DC Comics
- Image
- Marvel
- Rebellion
Favourite Web-Based Comic
- Aces Weekly –
- Dumbing of Age –
- JL8: A Webcomic –
- Oglaf –
- XKCD –
Favourite Magazine (Print Periodical) about Comics
- Bleeding Cool
- Back Issue
- Comic Heroes
- Judge Dredd Megazine
- The Comics Journal
Favourite Comics-Related Book
- The Secret History of Marvel Comics: Jack Kirby and the Moonlighting Artists at Martin Goodman's Empire by Blake Bell and Michael J. Vassallo
- Genius, Illustrated: The Life and Time of Alex Toth
- Magic Words: The Extraordinary Life of Alan Moore
- The DC Comics Guide to Creating Comics: Inside the Art of Visual Storytelling
- The Fables Encyclopaedia
Favourite Comic Related Movie or TV Show
- Iron Man 3
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Arrow
- The Walking Dead
- Thor: The Dark World
Favourite Comics-Related Website
- Comic Book Resources –
- 2000 AD Online –
- Bleeding Cool –
- ComicsAlliance –
- The Mary Sue –
Roll of Honour
- Gail Simone
- Jean Giraud (Moebius)
- Jim Lee
- Karen Berger
- Walter Simonson
- List of all winners, 1977–2011 at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at The Wayback Machine
- List of 2004's winners at
- Comic Book Awards Almanac Eagle Comics page
- ↑ Template:Cite web at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at the Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 9 September 2018.)
- ↑ Burton, Richard "'The Eagles' are launched!" in Burton (ed.) Comic Media News #30 (Mar-Apr 1977), p. 11
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 "Marvel Bullpen Bulletins," Marvel Team-Up #69 (May 1978).
- ↑ The source for this and the other 1978 winners is Previous Winners: 1978, at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at the Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 9 September 2018.)
- ↑ The source for this and the other 1979 awards is from BEM #26 (Dec. 1979), p. 7.
- ↑ "X-Men Sweep Eagle Awards," The Comics Journal #52 (Dec. 1979).
- ↑ "The Eagle Awards 1979," BEM #31 (Dec. 1980), p. 32.
- ↑ The source for this and other winners is Previous Winners: 1980, at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at the Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 9 September 2018.)
- ↑ Bolland, Brian Template:Webarchive. Who's Who of American Comic Books, 1928–1999. Retrieved September 30, 2012.
- ↑ Groth, Gary. "Visions of Today and Tomorrow," The Comics Journal #72 (May 1982), p. 55.
- ↑ "The Eagle Awards for 1980," BEM #35 (NMP, Spring 1982), p. 9.
- ↑ "Marvel's X-Men Sweep British Eagle Awards," The Comics Journal #69 (Dec. 1981).
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 "News From Hither and Yon: Eagles Return, New Dog Strip, EC Update, Computer Comics," The Comics Journal #84 (Sept. 1983), p. 22.
- ↑ Mick Austin entry, Who's Who of American Comic Books, 1928–1999. Accessed Jan. 16, 2020.
- ↑ "The Eagle Awards - Results: 1983," Eagle Awards website. Archived at the Wayback Machine. Accessed Jan. 27, 2020.
- ↑ Mistakenly labeled (?) at Previous Winners: 1984 at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at the Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 22 September 2018.)
- ↑ Terry Austin entry, Who's Who of American Comic Books, 1928–1999. Accessed Jan. 16, 2020.
- ↑ Green, Steve. "This Month," The Birmingham Science Fiction Group #147 (Nov. 1983), p. 2.
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 "Eagle Awards," Grand Comics Database. Accessed Jan. 16, 2020.
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 "Eagle Nominations Announced; American Flagg Nominated for 10," The Comics Journal #89 (May 1984), p. 11.
- ↑ Stringer, Lew. "Conventions of the Past - Part 1," Blimey! The Blog of British Comics (May 05, 2009).
- ↑ This information and all other awards and nominations from 1985 in: TH. "1984 Eagle Awards announced," The Comics Journal #101 (Aug. 1985).
- ↑ Steve Ditko entry, Who's Who of American Comic Books, 1928–1999. Accessed Jan. 16, 2020.
- ↑ Previous Winners: 1986 at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at The Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 22 September 2018.)
- ↑ American nominees and winners only, published in "English Eagle Awards Announced," The Comics Journal #110 (Aug. 1986), p. 18.
- ↑ Previous Winners: 1987 at the Eagle Awards website, archived at The Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 22 September 2018.)
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Bell, Chris and Fox. "Reditorial," Redfox #12 (Valkyrie Press, Nov. 1987).
- ↑ Previous Winners: 1988 at the Eagle Awards website, archived at The Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 22 September 2018.)
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 "Eagle Awards Return," The Comics Journal #139 (Dec. 1990), p. 20.
- ↑ "Previous Winners: 1990" at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at The Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 22 September 2018.)
- ↑ "Previous Winners 1997" at the Eagle Awards website, archived at The Wayback Machine.
- ↑ Template:Cite web
- ↑ The source of this and all 2005 awards is from Eagle Awards Results 2005 at the official Eagle Awards website (archived at The Wayback Machine, retrieved 22 December 2018)
- ↑ The source for this and all 2006 awards is from Previous Winners: 2006 at the official Eagle Awards website, archived at the Wayback Machine. (Retrieved 16 January 2020.)
- ↑ Official Press Release. "Eagle Awards Website Open for Nominations," Comic Book Resources (Feb 05, 2007).
- ↑ Hunt, James "A Report from Bristol International Comics Expo", Comic Book Resources (May 12, 2008).
- ↑ Template:Cite web
- ↑ MacDonald, Heidi. "2010 Eagle Award Winners," The Beat (30 October 2010).
- ↑ Template:Cite web
- ↑ Template:Cite web
- ↑ Template:Cite news
- ↑ Template:Cite news
- ↑ Freeman, John. "True Believer Awards: The Winners," (JULY 13, 2014).