Suspicion (Japanese: 疑惑, Giwaku) is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, one of Japan's most celebrated manga creators. The title refers to both a specific story within the manga and a compilation volume in Kodansha's "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" series, which collects several of Tezuka's short stories. The anthology showcases Tezuka's ability to explore dark, thought-provoking themes through his signature art style and storytelling.
Contents of the Volume
The Suspicion volume includes the following short stories:
- Suspicion
- Insect Collector
- Insect Collector – The Butterfly Road Smells of Death
- Volcanic Eruption
- Peace Concert
- Activist Student
- Old Folk's Home
Each story in the collection explores unique narratives and themes, reflecting Tezuka's versatility as a storyteller, from psychological thrillers to social commentaries.
Synopsis of Suspicion
The titular story, Suspicion, follows a man plotting to murder his wife. His chilling plan involves programming her data into a cooking robot, effectively turning her into the "ingredients" for the next night's dinner. This dark and surreal tale exemplifies Tezuka's skill in combining macabre elements with technological and ethical dilemmas, creating a narrative that leaves readers questioning morality and human behavior.
Themes and Legacy
The stories in Suspicion delve into a range of themes, including human relationships, ethical dilemmas, mortality, and societal issues. Tezuka's masterful blend of dark humor, science fiction, and psychological depth makes this volume a compelling example of his broader body of work.
Suspicion reflects Osamu Tezuka's ability to push the boundaries of manga as a medium, using short stories to explore complex ideas and emotions. The volume is a testament to his legacy as a pioneer of manga, whose work continues to influence and inspire readers and creators worldwide.