Marmaduke is a 2022 animated comedy film directed by Mark Dippé, and co-directed by Phil Nibbelink, Youngki Lee, and Matt Whelan, based on the comic strip of the same name by Paul and Brad Anderson. The second feature-length film based on the strip following the 2010 film, it stars Pete Davidson as Marmaduke, along with J.K. Simmons, Brian Hull, Shelby Young and David Koechner. The film is an international co-production of the United States, Canada, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Korea and the United Kingdom.
It was released by SC Films in international countries and on Netflix in the United States on May 6, 2022. The film was universally panned by critics and audiences, with criticisms going towards its animation, screenplay, story, characters, and humor. It is considered to be one of the worst animated films ever made.
Phil, his wife, and their two children Barbara and Billy live with their dog, a Great Dane by the name of Marmaduke. The film opens at Billy's birthday party. Marmaduke takes a cannonball dive from the second floor of the family home into the backyard pool, releasing a giant tidal wave. Barbara records it on her phone and the video goes viral. It comes to the attention of a world-renowned dog trainer, Guy, who offers to turn Marmaduke into a world-class show dog. At first, the family isn’t sure about Marmaduke entering the competitions. When Phil learns there is a one million dollar top prize, he’s persuaded to make an agreement. Marmaduke goes into training and, after some initial resistance, he begins to make progress.
Guy enters Marmaduke into a local dog show to test his skills. During the preliminary setup, Marmaduke encounters an Afghan Hound named Zeus, who entices him to eat prior to the competition, which results in him getting bloated. Marmaduke does his best to conceal the matter and struts onto the field with Guy. Before one lap around the field, Marmaduke releases voluminous clouds of noxious flatus, enveloping the entire field in the process. He soars through the air and lands backside down in the winner’s trophy and defecates in it, much to the horror of everyone.
Disgraced, Guy refuses to keep training Marmaduke, leaving him deflated and dejected. Marmaduke runs away from home, but when he runs down the street, he sees the family cat, King Tut, in the middle of an intersection. Marmaduke saves the cat but has difficulty connecting with his character. Persuaded by Kingtut, Marmaduke embarks on a trip around the globe, performing heroic stunts along the way. His circumnavigation convinces Guy to take Marmaduke back on track for the World Dog Championship. Marmaduke encounters Zeus again at the competition along with many other dogs: little Welsh corgi Juan Pedro, beautiful pink poodle Shantrelle, and strong Staffordshire bull terrier Vinnie. The competition consists of three challenges, but right after Marmaduke passes the second challenge, he lands on Guy, who is hospitalized. Without a trainer, his owners end up stepping in to coach him, allowing him to tackle the final challenge.
In the third and final challenge, the dogs perform a unique act, with Marmaduke and Billy doing a cowboy act with King Tut, pleasing the audience. Later, the judge's final results reveal Zeus as the winner. However, Marmaduke uncovers that Zeus' owner rigged the scores, leading Zeus to be disqualified and resulting in the Zen-powered Japanese Chin Zhi taking the top prize. Zeus tries to take back the trophy, but Marmaduke stops him. He ends up knocking over a platform where a cameraman sits, causing Marmaduke to push his owners out of the way, getting crushed by the platform when saving the cameraman's life. Marmaduke is initially believed to be dead, but it is revealed that he is still alive, and initially winning the World Dog Championship and his family lived happily ever after.
During the mid-credits scene, Zeus gets caught by security and is sent to the dog pound to get his fur shaved and re-grown, while his Henri and Philipe are put in jail.
Voice cast
- Pete Davidson as Marmaduke, a clumsy yet decent-natured Great Dane
- J.K. Simmons as Zeus, a cream-colored selfish Afghan hound who is Marmaduke's nemesis
- David Koechner as Phil Winslow, the patriarch of the Winslow family and Marmaduke's owner
- Brian Hull as Guy Hilton, a dog trainer
- Erin Fitzgerald as Barbara Winslow, the teenage daughter of Dottie and Phil
- Julie Nathanson as Dottie Winslow, matriarch of the Winslow family and Phil's wife
- Terri Douglas as Billy Winslow, the son of Dottie and Phil
- Mary Hart as the Entertainer Mutt Tonight Host
- Shelby Young as Shantrelle, a pink French poodle who is Marmaduke's love interest
- Stephen Stanton as Kingtut, a Siamese cat
- Andrew Morgado as Henri and Philipe, Zeus's humans who are twins.
- Nika Futterman as Juan Pedro, a small welsh corgi from Mexico.
- Tania Gunadi as a Cheerleader
- Kevin Le Long as a background character with a non-speaking role
On October 23, 2017, it was announced that a CGI Marmaduke film was in development, to be written by Byron Kavanagh and directed by Mark A.Z. Dippé, who would produce alongside Dan Chuba and Matthew Joynes and Simon Crowe.[1] In 2018, Andrews McMeel announced the involvement of cast members Pete Davidson as Marmaduke, J.K. Simmons as Marmaduke's rival "Zeus", and David Koechner as Phil Winslow.[2] The film's animation was provided by Dippé's company WonderWorld Studios, currently known as StoryBerry, who has facilities in Toronto, Shanghai, and Seoul,[3] while main production was done by Legacy Classics in Los Angeles and One Cool Animation in Hong Kong.[4]
The film was first announced for a release in the second quarter of 2019.[1] It was later slated for a release in 2020, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[5] The film was acquired by Netflix in 2022. On April 8, 2022, Netflix released a trailer for the film, and announced a May 6 release date.[6]
On April 8 2022, a trailer was released online and received an extremely negative response, with a 17,078 dislike to 1,798 like ratio.
Critical response
Template:Rotten Tomatoes prose Aurora Amidon of Paste Magazine criticized the formulaic and predictable plot, but praised the voice acting of Davidson, Simmons, and Koechner.[7] For his role in the film, Pete Davidson was nominated for Worst Actor at the Golden Raspberry Awards.[8]
External links
Template:Mark A.Z. Dippé Template:Phil Nibbelink Template:Netflix original animated series and films