Lola is an American comic strip created by Todd Clark, which has been syndicated since 1999. Known for its gag-a-day style, the strip is published daily and follows the adventures of Lola Rayder, a witty and charming widow who moved in with her son, Ray, and his family after the death of her husband, Crawford.
The strip features a cast of colorful characters, all of whom bring humor and heart to Lola's life:
- Lola Rayder – The main character, a lively widow who enjoys the quirks of life, often offering sage advice and humorous observations.
- Ray Rayder – Lola’s son, with whom she now lives, trying to balance family life with his mother’s presence.
- Amy Rayder – Ray's wife, often navigating the challenges of sharing her home with Lola.
- Sammy Rayder – Ray and Amy’s son, who sports red hair and glasses, adding youthful energy to the strip.
- Etta – Lola’s close friend, a black woman with a strong personality and a supportive presence.
- Cecil – A bearded friend of Lola’s, often involved in her quirky escapades.
- Sally – Another one of Lola’s friends, who frequently joins in her amusing adventures.
- Harry – A friend of Lola's, whose relationship with her adds another layer of warmth to the strip.
- Leeanne – A friend of Sammy’s, who occasionally crosses paths with the older characters in humorous ways.
- Claudia – A neighbor of the Rayder family, providing a source of interaction and occasional conflict.
- Rhiannon – A neighborhood child who becomes part of the broader social circle in Lola's community.
- Pastor John – The local pastor, who appears in the strip as a character Lola interacts with, often addressing her spiritual life and occasional humorous musings on faith.
"Lola" combines humor, family dynamics, and a diverse cast of characters to deliver a relatable, heartwarming daily comic strip.