My Hero Academia is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The story is set in a world where most of the world population has superhuman abilities known as "Quirks". The protagonist Izuku Midoriya is a teenage boy who was born without a Quirk, despite his longtime dream to be a superhero, until he is approached by All Might, the most famous hero in Japan and the world and also his childhood idol, who chooses him to inherit his Quirk "One For All" and helps to enroll him in a prestigious high school for superheroes in training.
My Hero Academia began its serialization in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump on July 7, 2014.[1] The series ended after a ten-year run on August 5, 2024.[2][3] Its individual chapters have been collected in 42 Template:Transliteration volumes, the first volume released on November 4, 2014. The series is licensed for English-language release in North America by Viz Media, who published the first volume on August 4, 2015. As the series is published in Japan, it is also released simultaneously in English digitally by Viz Media's Weekly Shonen Jump and later its website. Additionally, the first 20 volumes within a box set of the series was published by Viz Media on October 18, 2022.[4]
Three spin-off manga series have also been released. The first, My Hero Academia: Smash!! by Hirofumi Neda, is a comedy manga which ran in the Shōnen Jump+ digital app from November 9, 2015, to November 6, 2017.[5] Its chapters were collected in five Template:Transliteration volumes.[6] The second spin-off manga, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, is a prequel to the main series written by Hideyuki Furuhashi and illustrated by Betten Court, which ran from August 20, 2016, to May 28, 2022.[7][8] Its chapters were collected in 15 Template:Transliteration volumes.[9] The third spin-off manga, My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions by Yōkō Akiyama, features various side stories. It began serialization in Saikyō Jump on August 2, 2019, with a prologue chapter debuting in Jump GIGA on July 25, 2019.[10]
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