Text Appearing Before Image: lice are bound to catchthe maker. Take again the recent sensational case of Dr.Arthur Warren Waite, the New York dentist who killed hisfather-in-law and his mother-in-law by arsenical poisoning,and had planned to kill his wife also. An examination of hisprivate apartments brought abundant evidence to light thathe had studied crime from a scientific standpoint and hadendeavored to penetrate the secrets of the laboratory for thepurpose of becoming a highly developed scientific criminal. He calculated to inoculate his victims causing them todie a commonplace natural death. I found in his desk alarge number of microscopic slides which he had made—three or four hundred of them—showing germs of tetanus,anthrax, typhus and bubonic plague. He even went toBellevue and tried to buy a tubercular mastoid bone, for thepurpose of inoculating his victims. And yet this man, whomight have become a master of scientific crime, used the mostprimitive poison in the pharmacopoeia when he came to de- 32 Text Appearing After Image: <.<. The hardest man to catch is the one who uses the simplest, crudest method 33 34 THE FORUM spatch his victims. He needed money. It was the one pas-sion of his life. Money—money, to gratify his extravagantand ever-increasing tastes. And so in his hurry he employedplain arsenic. Had it not been for the sheer intuition of awoman—and that you know is womans prime gift, mere manis not supposed to have it, and yet there have cropped uphere and there instances, such as Lloyd George who is saidto have rare intuition—he never would have been caught.Merely suspecting that something was wrong she sent atelegram suggesting an autopsy. And this disclosed thefacts. SCIENTIFIC CRIMINALS WHO BUNGLED. T NEVER was more disappointed—speaking from a purely* scientific standpoint—in a case in my life. Here was aman who might with patience have developed into the arch-criminal of the ages—a very limb of Satan—who would haverevealed to the authorities a new realm of detective researc
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