Superman: The Animated Series is an American television series based on the DC Comics superhero Superman, which was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and originally aired on The WB from 1996 to 2000; lasting 54 episodes.
The series is part of what has become known as the DC Animated Universe and was the first after the acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series.
Series overview
Template:AnchorSeason 1 (1996–1997)
All episodes of season one except the first five and last two were shown out of production order when originally aired.
Template:AnchorSeason 2 (1997–1998)
Episodes of season two originally aired Saturday mornings prior to The New Batman/Superman Adventures on Kids' WB!. Template:Episode table
Template:AnchorSeason 3 (1998–1999)
Episodes originally aired in the Kids WB! block of The New Batman/Superman Adventures. Template:Episode table
Template:AnchorSeason 4 (1999–2000)
Episodes originally aired in the Kids WB! block of The New Batman/Superman Adventures. Template:Episode table
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# | S | Title | Director | Writer | Series | Airdate
Template:Episode list Template:Episode list Template:Episode list |