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The Smurfs (comics)

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Template:Short description Template:About Template:Italic title Template:Infobox graphic novel The Smurfs (Template:Langx; Dutch: De Smurfen) is a Belgian comic series, created by cartoonist Peyo (pen name of Pierre Culliford). The titular creatures were introduced as supporting characters in an already established series, Johan and Peewit in 1958, and starred in their own series from 1959. More than forty Smurf comic albums have been created, 16 of them by Peyo. Originally, the Smurf stories appeared in Spirou magazine with reprints in many different magazines, but after Peyo left the publisher Dupuis, many comics were first published in dedicated Smurf magazines, which existed in French, Dutch and German. A number of short stories and one page gags have been collected in comic books next to the regular series. By 2008, Smurf comics have been translated into 25 languages, and some 25 million albums have been sold.[1]


In 1952, Peyo created a series in Spirou magazine titled Johan et Pirlouit (Johan and Peewit), set in Europe during the (probably) Middle Ages. Johan serves as a brave young page to the king, and Pirlouit (pronounced Peer-loo-ee) functions as his faithful, if boastful and cheating, midget sidekick.

On 23 October 1958, Peyo introduced a new set of characters to the Johan et Pirlouit story "Template:Lang" (tr. "The Flute with Six Holes").[2] This alone caused no great excitement, as the brave duo constantly encountered strange new people and places. This time, they had the mission of recovering a magic flute, which required some sorcery by the wizard Homnibus. And in this manner, they met a tiny, blue-skinned humanoid creature in white clothing called a "Schtroumpf," followed by his numerous peers who looked just like him, with an elderly leader who wore red clothing and had a white beard called Grand Schtroumpf" (Papa Smurf).

File:Johan et Pirlouit-extract album 9.png
First appearance of Smurfs in The Flute with Six Holes, the ninth album (1958) of the Johan and Peewit-series[3]

Although intended to be secondary characters who were only to appear in the single episode, the characters proved to be a huge success, and the first independent spin-off Smurf stories appeared in Spirou in 1959, together with the first merchandising. The short Smurf stories were published as mini books, where the story was printed on a large page and had to be folded and cut by the reader into a small book.[4]

A few years later, the first adventures were redrawn with a graphic design that made the characters more graceful. The stories became longer and were republished in full in a hardback version.[5]


Original logo (Belgian French)

This is the list of the original French-language comic issues. Some of them are anthologies of several stories. A number of them were translated into English by Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge, and published by Hodder & Stoughton (Random House in the USA). The late comic artist Pascal Garray contributed to seventeen editions of The Smurf comics between 1990 and 2017.[6][7][8] Garray's last comic, Les Schtroumpfs et les haricots Mauves, was released in September 2017.[6][7][8]

Johan and Peewit appearances

  1. La flûte à six schtroumpfs (originally titled as La flûte à six trous)
  2. La guerre des sept fontaines
  3. Le pays maudit
  4. Le sortilège de Maltrochu
  5. La horde du corbeau
  6. La nuit des sorciers

Original series

No. Title Publisher Release Date ISBN
1 Les Schtroumpfs noirs (The Black Smurfs) Dupuis 30 November 1963
2 Le Schtroumpfissime (The Smurf King, English title) Dupuis 23 September 1965
3 La Schtroumpfette (The Smurfette) Dupuis 16 March 1967
4 L'Œuf et les Schtroumpfs (The Smurfs and the Egg) Dupuis 26 March 1968
5 Les Schtroumpfs et le Cracoucass (The Smurfs and the Howlibird, English title) Dupuis 25 September 1969
6 Le Cosmoschtroumpf (The Astrosmurf) Dupuis 5 November 1970
7 L'Apprenti Schtroumpf (The Smurf Apprentice) Dupuis 18 November 1971
8 Histoires de Schtroumpfs (Stories of the Smurfs, an anthology of one-page humorous stories) Dupuis 9 November 1972
9 Schtroumpf Vert et Vert Schtroumpf (Smurf Versus Smurf) Dupuis 13 September 1973
10 La Soupe aux Schtroumpfs (The Smurf Soup) Dupuis 6 December 1976
11 Les Schtroumpfs Olympiques (The Olympic Smurfs) Dupuis 3 February 1983
12 Le Bébé Schtroumpf (The Baby Smurf) Dupuis 27 November 1984
13 Les P'tits Schtroumpfs (The Smurflings) Dupuis 1 April 1988
14 L'Aéroschtroumpf (The Aerosmurf) Cartoon Creation/Le Lombard, 17 October 1990
15 L'Étrange Réveil du Schtroumpf Paresseux (The Strange Awakening of Lazy Smurf) Cartoon Creation/Le Lombard 1 January 1991
16 Le Schtroumpf Financier (The Finance Smurf) Le Lombard 1 January 1992

Albums made after the death of Peyo, with help from his son Thierry Culliford (born 1956):

  1. Le Schtroumpfeur de Bijoux (The Jewel Smurfer), Le Lombard, 01/01/1994,
  2. Docteur Schtroumpf (Doctor Smurf), Le Lombard, 01/01/1996,
  3. Le Schtroumpf Sauvage (The Wild Smurf), Le Lombard, 11/01/1998,
  4. La Menace Schtroumpf (Attack of the Grey Smurfs), Le Lombard, 11/01/2000,
  5. On ne Schtroumpfe pas le Progrès (You Don't Smurf Progress), Le Lombard, 11/01/2002,
  6. Le Schtroumpf Reporter (The Reporter Smurf), Le Lombard, 11/01/2003,
  7. Les Schtroumpfs Joueurs (The Gambler Smurfs), Le Lombard, 01/01/2005,
  8. Salade de Schtroumpfs (Salad Smurfs), Le Lombard, 01/13/2006,
  9. Un Enfant chez les Schtroumpfs (A Child among the Smurfs), Le Lombard, 01/12/2007,
  10. Les Schtroumpfs et le livre qui dit tout (The Smurfs and the Book that Tells Everything), Le Lombard, 01/18/2008,
  11. Schtroumpfs les bains (Smurfs in Paradise), Le Lombard, 04/3/2009,
  12. La Grande Schtroumpfette (The Grand Smurfette), Le Lombard, 04/16/2010,
  13. Les Schtroumpfs et l'Arbre d'Or (The Smurfs and the Golden Tree), Le Lombard, 04/08/2011,
  14. Les Schtroumpfs de L'Ordre (The Law and Order of The Smurfs), Le Lombard, 03/23/2012,
  15. Les Schtroumpfs à Pilulit (Chicken-Fried Smurfs), Le Lombard, 04/19/2013,
  16. Les Schtroumpfs et L'Amour Sorcier (The Smurfs and the Sorcerer's Love), Le Lombard, 04/04/2014,
  17. Schtroupf Le Héros (Smurf Heroes), Le Lombard, 03/13/2015,
  18. Les Schtroumpfs Et Le Demi-Genie (The Smurfs and the Half-Genie), Le Lombard, 04/01/2016,
  19. Les Schtroumpfs Et Les Haricots Mauves (The Smurfs and the Purple Beans), Le Lombard, 08/18/2017,
  20. Les Schtroumpfs Et Le Dragon Du Lac (The Smurfs and the Dragon of the Lake), Le Lombard, 03/02/2018,
  21. Les Schtroumpfs Et La Machine à Rêver (The Smurfs and the Dream Machine), Le Lombard, 04/05/2019,
  22. Les Schtroumpfs Et Le Vol Des Cigognes (The Smurfs and the Flight of the Storks), Le Lombard, 2020.
  23. Les Schtroumpfs et la tempête blanche, Le Lombard, 10/08/2021.
  24. Les Schtroumpfs et les Enfants perdus, Le Lombard, 2022.
  25. Gargamel, l'Ami des Schtroumpfs, Le Lombard, 10/13/2023.
  26. Les Schtroumpfs et la cape magique, Le Lombard, 2024.

Les Schtroumpfs et le Village des Filles (The Smurfs and the Village of Girls)

Albums featuring the Smurfy Grove Smurfs from Smurfs: The Lost Village.

  1. La Forêt interdite (The Forbidden Forest), Le Lombard, 04/24/2017,
  2. La trahison de Bouton d'Or (The Betrayal of Smurfblossom), Le Lombard, 08/24/2018
  3. Le Corbeau (Smurfs) (The Raven), Le Lombard, 10/31/2019
  4. Un nouveau départ (A New Beginning), Le Lombard, 11/24/2020
  5. Le Bâton de saule, Le Lombard, 2022.
  6. L'île vagabonde, Le Lombard, 2023.

Look-In magazine strips

In the 1970s and '80s, the British children's magazine Look-In ran an original series of one-page comic-strip tales called "Meet the Smurfs."

Marvel Comics

In 1982 Marvel Comics released a Three issue mini series featuring full length stories and one page gags featuring The Smurfs. Marvel Comics also published a large format comic book as well as six mini comic books with a full length story in each comic book.

Papercutz graphic novels

Since August 2010, Papercutz has been issuing Smurfs comics, translated by Joe Johnson. Following a special preview comic in July 2010 that contained the story "The Smurfnapper," the following graphic novels have been issued to date:

  1. The Purple Smurfs (August 31, 2010, )
  2. The Smurfs and the Magic Flute (August 31, 2010, )
  3. King Smurf (November 23, 2010, )
  4. The Smurfette (January 18, 2011, )
  5. The Smurfs and the Egg (March 15, 2011, )
  6. The Smurfs and the Howlibird (May 10, 2011, )
  7. The Astrosmurf (August 2, 2011, )
  8. The Smurf Apprentice (September 27, 2011, )
  9. Gargamel and the Smurfs (November 22, 2011, )
  10. The Return of the Smurfette (January 17, 2012, )
  11. The Smurf Olympics (March 27, 2012, )
  12. Smurf Versus Smurf (August 7, 2012, )
  13. Smurf Soup (November 13, 2012, )
  14. The Baby Smurf (March 5, 2013, )
  15. The Smurflings (May 14, 2013, )
  16. The Aerosmurf (August 6, 2013, )
  17. The Strange Awakening of Lazy Smurf (March 25, 2014, )
  18. The Finance Smurf (July 1, 2014, )
  19. The Jewel Smurfer (August 18, 2015, )
  20. Doctor Smurf (March 1, 2016, )
  21. The Wild Smurf (September 6, 2016, )
  22. The Smurf Menace (January 17, 2017, )
  23. You Can't Smurf Progress (June 6, 2017, )
  24. The Smurf Reporter (September 25, 2018)
  25. The Gambler Smurfs (2019)
  26. Smurf Salad (October 8, 2019 )
  27. "The Smurfs And The Bratty Kid" (July 27, 2021)
  28. "Smurf & Turf" (April 12, 2022)

Other special books:

  1. "Christmas Smurfs" (October 1, 2013)
  2. "Forever Smurfette" (November 18, 2014)
  3. "Smurf Monsters" (September 29, 2015)
  4. "The Village Behind the Wall" (March 21, 2017)
  5. "The Smurfs Special Boxed Set" (April 4, 2017)

Papercutz published "The Smurf Submarine" in Geronimo Stilton & Smurfs for Free Comic Book Day on May 7, 2011.[9]

In popular culture

Smurfette statue in Middelkerke

In the Belgian Comic Strip Center in Brussels the permanent exhibition brings homage to the pioneers of Belgian comics, among them Peyo. In the room dedicated to his work various objects, comic book pages, sketches,... from "The Smurfs" comics can be seen.[10]

The Smurfs are among the many Belgian comics characters to jokingly have a Brussels street named after them. The Rue des Sables/ Zandstraat has a commemorative plaque with the name Rue Schtroumpfs/ Smurfstraat placed under the actual street sign.[11] Close to the Smurfs studios in Genval (a province of Brabant), a bronze statue of the Smurfs is sited in a traffic circle. In 2003 a statue of a Smurf building a statue of Smurfette was unveiled in Middelkerke. It was sculpted by Monique Mol.[12]

At the Grasmarkt in Brussels a Template:Convert statue of a Smurf on a toadstool can be seen. It was sculpted by Maryline Garbe and unveiled on June 25, 2012.[13][14]

See also



External links

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