Tokyo Zombie is a heta-uma (intentionally bad) horror manga written by Yusaku Hanakuma in 1999. It was later adapted into a 2005 Japanese film, directed and written by Sakichi Sato. The movie stars Tadanobu Asano, Show Aikawa, and Erika Okuda. It was released in North America, the UK, and later in Australia and New Zealand in 2009.
The story follows Fujio and Mitsuo, two lazy slackers who work at a fire extinguisher factory. During their lunch breaks, they train in jujitsu with dreams of becoming champions. One day, they murder their boss and dispose of the body at a toxic waste dump in Tokyo known as “Black Fuji.”
Things take a turn for the worse when an army of the undead emerges from the dump and begins attacking the living. To survive, Fujio and Mitsuo must use their limited jujitsu skills to either fight the zombies or escape the chaos in Tokyo.
Film Cast
- Tadanobu Asano – Fujio
- Show Aikawa – Mitsuo
- Erika Okuda – Yoko
- Arata Furuta – Ishihara
- Kazuo Umezu – Akiyama / Prince
- Hina Matsuoka – Fumiyo
- Maria Takagi – Yocchan’s sister
Tokyo Zombie received recognition for its unique, over-the-top style. In a Anime News Network list of “10 Great Zombie Manga,” Jason Thompson ranked it ninth, calling it “good, cheesy, ultraviolent entertainment.”