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List of Teen Titans members

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The Teen Titans is a team of teenage comic book superheroes created by DC Comics. Portrayals of the team have undergone many iterations with different sets of characters. Alternate versions of the team appear in parallel universes, and the team has also been portrayed differently in other media, including television and video games.

The Brave and the Bold #54, which first teamed up DC Comic characters Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad in 1964, is now regarded as the first Teen Titans story even though they were not given a team name at the time.[1]


Original team (1960s–1970s)

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Dick Grayson Robin, Nightwing, Batman The Brave and the Bold #54 (Jul. 1964)[2]
Wally West Kid Flash, Flash
Garth Aqualad, Tempest
Donna Troy Wonder Girl, Troia, Darkstar The Brave and the Bold #60 (Jul. 1965)[15]
  • Founding member.
  • Younger adoptive sister of Wonder Woman.
  • Died in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3.[16] Resurrected in The Return of Donna Troy #1.
  • Disappeared after the New 52 but reappeared in DC Rebirth.[17]
Roy Harper Speedy, Arsenal, Red Arrow Teen Titans #19Template:Efn (Feb. 1969)[18]
Lilith Clay Lilith, Omen Teen Titans #25 (Feb. 1970)[20]
  • Leader of Titans West.
  • Died in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3.[16] Reintroduced in the New 52.[21]
Hank and Don Hall Hawk and Dove
Mal Duncan Guardian, Hornblower, Herald Teen Titans #26 (Apr. 1970)[23]
  • DC's first black superhero.[1]
  • Became Herald during the New 52.[24]
John Gnarrk Gnaark, Cave Boy Teen Titans #33 (Jun. 1971)[25]
  • Also a member of Titans West.
  • First appeared in Teen Titans #32.[26]
  • Reported dead in Tales of the Teen Titans #50.[27]
  • Became Cave Boy during the New 52.[24]
Duela Dent Joker's Daughter, Harlequin Teen Titans #46 (Feb. 1977)[28]
Karen Beecher Bumblebee Teen Titans #48 (Jun. 1977)[32]
  • Also a member of Titans L.A.
  • First appeared in Teen Titans #45.[33]
Bette Kane Bat-Girl, Flamebird Teen Titans #52 (Dec. 1977)[34]
  • Also a member of Titans West.
  • Niece of Batwoman pre-Crisis and maternal cousin of Batwoman and Batman post-Crisis.
  • First appeared in Batman #139.[35]

New Teen Titans

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Gar Logan Beast Boy, Changeling DC Comics Presents #26 (Oct. 1980)[36]
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
  • Founder of Titans L.A.
  • Adoptive son of Mento and Elast-Girl.
  • First appeared in Doom Patrol #99.[37]
Raven Rachel Roth
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
Koriand'r Starfire
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
Vic Stone Cyborg
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
Tara Markov Terra New Teen Titans #30 (Apr. 1983)[38]
Joseph Wilson Jericho Tales of the Teen Titans #58 (Oct. 1985)[41]
  • Son of Deathstroke.
  • First appeared in Tales of the Teen Titans #42.[42] Honorary member beginning in New Teen Titans #1.[43]
  • Died in New Titans #83.[44] Resurrected in Teen Titans #40.[45] Appears alongside his father during the New 52.[46]
Jason Todd Robin New Teen Titans #20 (May 1986)[47]
  • Honorary member.
  • Adoptive son of Batman and younger adoptive brother of Nightwing.
  • First appeared in Batman #401.[48]
  • Died in Batman #428.[49] Became the Red Hood after being resurrected.[50][51] Reformed the Outlaws during the New 52.
Danny Chase Phantasm New Teen Titans Annual #3 (Aug. 1987)[52]
  • Fired from the team in New Titans #55.[53] Rejoined before quitting in New Titans #114.[54]
  • Became Phantasm in New Titans #73[55] after taking his death. Actually died and merged with the Phantasm entity in New Titans #84.[56]
  • Reintroduced post-New 52.[57]
Rosabelle Mendez Pantha New Titans #74 (Mar. 1991)[58]
Leonid Kovar Red Star New Titans #77 (Jun. 1991)[61]
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Disappeared during the New 52 but reappeared during DC Rebirth.[62]
Baby Wildebeest New Titans #85 (Apr. 1992)[63]
  • Adopted by Pantha.
  • Died in Infinite Crisis #4.[59]

Arsenal's Titans

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Bart Allen Impulse, Kid Flash New Titans #0 (Oct. 1994)[64]
Grant Emerson Damage
Kyle Rayner Green Lantern New Titans #116 (Dec. 1994)[72]
  • First appeared in Green Lantern #48.[73]
  • Incorporated into the New 52.[74]
Linda Danvers Supergirl New Titans #121 (May 1995)[75]
Rose Wilson Ravager New Titans #122 (Jun. 1995)[77]
  • Daughter of Deathstroke and younger half-sister of Jericho.
  • Team member during one-year gap. Rejoins team in Teen Titans #88.[78]
  • First appeared in Deathstroke the Terminator #15.[79]
  • Incorporated into the New 52.[80]
Jarras Minion Minion New Titans #123 (Jul. 1995)[81]
  • First appeared in New Titans #114.[82]
  • Disappeared during the New 52.

The Atom Titans

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Ray Palmer Atom Teen Titans #1 (Oct. 1996)[83]
Toni Monetti Argent
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Disappeared during the New 52.
Cody Driscoll Risk
Isaiah Crockett Slagger, Joto, Hotspot
Audrey Spears Prysm
Freddy Freeman Captain Marvel Jr., CM3 Teen Titans #17 (Feb. 1998)[90]
  • Member of Titans L.A.
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • First appeared in Whiz Comics #25.[91]
  • De-powered in Brave New World #1.[92] Re-powered in The Trials of Shazam! #1.[93]
  • Incorporated into the New 52.[94]

The Titans

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Jesse Chambers Jesse Quick Titans Secret Files and Origins #1 (Mar. 1999)[95]

Teen Titans Post-"Graduation Day"

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Tim Drake Robin, Red Robin Teen Titans #1 (Aug. 2003)[98]
  • Adoptive son of Batman and younger adoptive brother of Nightwing and Red Hood.
  • First appeared in Batman #436.[99]
  • Resigned from the team in Teen Titans #66.[100] Rejoined the team as Red Robin in Teen Titans #92.[101]
  • Incorporated into the New 52.[102]
Cassie Sandsmark Wonder Girl
Kon-El Superboy
  • First appeared in Adventures of Superman #500.[104]
  • Died in Infinite Crisis #6.[105] Resurrected in Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #4.[106]
  • Reintroduced post-DC Rebirth.[107]
Mia Dearden Speedy Teen Titans #21 (Apr. 2005)[108]
Zachary Zatara Zatara Before Teen Titans #38 (Sep. 2006)
Luke O'Brien Offspring
Dawn Granger Dove
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Sister of Hawk.
  • First appeared in Hawk and Dove #1.[115]
  • Incorporated into the New 52.[116]
M'gann M'orzz Miss Martian
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Rejoined in Teen Titans #69.[117]
  • First appeared in Teen Titans #37.[118]
  • Rendered comatose and taken to Cadmus for care in Teen Titans #87.[119]
  • Incorporated into the New 52.[102]
Amy Allen Bombshell
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • First appeared in Teen Titans #39.[120]
  • Died in Teen Titans #43.[121] Resurrected in Teen Titans #63.[122]
  • Disappeared during the New 52.
Quinn Nash Enigma
  • Team member during one-year gap.
Amon Tomaz Osiris
Wendy Harris, Marvin Harris, and Wonder Dog Teen Titans #34 (May 2006)[111]
  • Marvin died and Wendy was paralyzed in Teen Titans #62.[131]
  • Wendy became Proxy in Batgirl #12.[132]
  • Wendy and Marvin disappeared during the New 52. Wonder Dog reappeared during Dawn of DC.[133]
Eddie Bloomberg Red Devil
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • First appeared in Firestorm #24.[134]
  • Died in Teen Titans #74.[135]
  • Reintroduced post-New 52.[136]
Kara Zor-El Sugergirl Teen Titans #50 (Sep. 2007)[137]
Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle Teen Titans #61 (May 2008)[140]
Virgil Hawkins Static Teen Titans #69 (Jun. 2009)[117]
Christopher Freeman Kid Eternity
Kaldur'ahm Aqualad Teen Titans #88 (Nov. 2010)[78]
Damian Wayne Robin Teen Titans #89 (Dec. 2010)[151]
  • Died in Batman Incorporated #7.[154] Resurrected in Batman and Robin #37 during the New 52.[155]
Kiran Singh Solstice Teen Titans #93 (Jan. 2011)[156]

Ancillary teams

Titans West

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Ch'al Andar Golden Eagle Teen Titans #50 (Oct. 1977)[158]
  • First appeared as Charley Parker in Justice League of America #116.[159]
  • Reintroduced post-DC Rebirth.[86]

Team Titans

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Miriam Delgado Mirage New Titans #79 (Sep. 1991)[160]
Tara Markov (imposter) Terra
  • Team member during one-year gap. Later a member of the main team. Also a member of Titans L.A.
  • Clone of Terra.
  • Died in World War III #3.[161]
Carrie Levine Redwing
  • Sister of Prestor Jon.
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.
Dagon Nightrider
Charlie Watkins Killowat
Jonathan Levine Prestor Jon
  • Brother of Redwing.
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.
Alexander Lyons Battalion Team Titans #2 (Oct.1992)
Wonder Boy Team Titans #19 (Apr. 1994)

Titans L.A.

Character Alias(es) Joined Notes
Hero Cruz Hero Titans Secret Files and Origins #2 (Oct. 2000)[162]
  • First appeared in Superboy and the Ravers #1.[163]
  • Disappeared during the New 52.
Ryuku Orsono Bushido
  • First appeared in Titans Annual #1.[164]
  • Died in Infinite Crisis #4.[59]

Titans East

Character Identity Issue joined Notes
Anima Courtney Mason Titans East Special #1 (January 2008, one-off issue)
  • Killed in Faces of Evil: Prometheus one-shot.
Hawk Holly Granger
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Killed in Blackest Night: Titans #1.
  • Active as Black Lantern in Blackest Night: Titans #2.
  • Destroyed in Blackest Night: Titans #3, reintroduced in New 52 relaunch of 2011.
Dove Dawn Granger
Lagoon Boy
  • Left in a coma at end of Titans East Special, reintroduced in New 52 relaunch of 2011.
Little Barda
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Left in critical condition at end of Titans East Special, returned to action in Titans #21 (March 2010)
Power Boy
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Killed in Titans East Special.
Son of Vulcan Miguel "Mikey" Devante
  • Left in a coma at end of Titans East Special, reintroduced in New 52 relaunch of 2011.
Cyborg Victor Stone
  • Former member of the main team.
  • Team leader.

Deathstroke's Titans

Character Identity Issue joined Notes
Cinder Carla Moretti Titans: Villains For Hire Special
  • Pyrokinetic supervillainess created specifically for the series
Cheshire Jade Nguyen
Deathstroke Slade Wilson
  • Former member of Secret Society of Super Villains.
  • Former member of Injustice League.
  • Former member of Titans East.
  • Team leader.
Osiris Amon Tomaz
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Eaten by Sobek in 52 #43.
  • Restored to life in Blackest Night #8.
Tattooed Man Mark Richards
Arsenal Roy Harper Titans Vol. 2 #28

The New 52 / DC Rebirth

"Forgotten" Teen Titans

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Aqualad Garth Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Cyborg Victor Stone Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Cave Boy Gnarrk Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Dove Don Hall Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #8; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Flamebird Bette Kane Confirmed to have been part of the team during the original printing of Batwoman (vol. 1) #1 but retconned when collected in the trade paperback; confirmed to have been part of the team in Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Multiverse; leader of the Titans West
Hawk Hank Hall Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions; member of Titans West
Herald Malcolm Duncan Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Hot Spot Isaiah Crockett Confirmed to be a part of the team in Sideways (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Kid Flash Wally West I Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in DC Universe: Rebirth (vol. 1) #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Magenta Frances Kane Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Omen Lilith Clay Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Ravager Rose Wilson Confirmed to be a part of the team in Deathstroke (vol. 4) #18; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Robin Dick Grayson Founding member; former leader; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Speedy Roy Harper Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Starfire Koriand'r Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Terra Tara Markov Confirmed to be a part of the team in Deathstroke (vol. 4) #21; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Wonder Girl Donna Troy Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions

Teen Titans (New 52)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Red Robin Tim Drake Teen Titans (vol. 4) #4 Founding member and leader of the Teen Titans. Former sidekick of Batman. Former member of Batman Inc. Currently active with the Bat family.
Wonder Girl Cassandra Sandsmark Revealed to be related to Wonder Woman in Vol. 4 #19.
Kid Flash Bart Allen / Bar Torr Left in Vol. 4 #30.
Skitter Celine Marjorie Patterson Left in Vol. 4 #9, returned in #29, and left again in Annual Vol. 4 #3.
Bunker Miguel Jose Barragan Left in Vol. 4 #24, and returned in Vol. 4 #30.
Solstice Kiran Singh Left in Vol. 4 #30.
Superboy Kon-El Teen Titans Annual (vol. 4) #1 Former Operative of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.. Presumed dead in Superman (vol. 3) #25. Revealed to be the Herald of the Oracle in Annual Vol. 4 #3.
Danny the Street "Danny" Teen Titans (vol. 4) #7 Destroyed in Vol. 4 #10. Currently active in the Doom Patrol as Danny the Ambulance.
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Teen Titans (vol. 4) #23 Former member of the new Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
Raven Rachel Roth Former member of the new Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
Superboy Jon Lane Kent Teen Titans Annual (vol. 4) #2 Died in Superboy (vol. 6) #34
Chimera Ra’ut L’lwer DC Sneak Peek Teen Titans (vol. 5) # 1 Left in Vol. 5 #16.
Power Girl Tanya Spears Teen Titans (vol. 5) #5 Former member of Defiance.

Teen Titans (DC Rebirth)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Robin Damian Wayne Teen Titans (vol. 6) #1 Founding member. Former leader of the Teen Titans. Left in Teen Titans (vol. 6) Annual #2. Former member of Batman Inc. Also active with the Bat family.
Starfire Koriand'r Founding member. Left the team between Teen Titans (vol. 6) #19 and Teen Titans (vol. 6) Special #1. Currently active in the Titans.
Raven Rachel Roth Founding member. Left the team between Teen Titans (vol. 6) #19 and Teen Titans (vol. 6) Special #1. Former member of the original Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Founding member. Left the team in #17. Former member of the original Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
Kid Flash Wally West II Founding member. Active. Left the team in Annual Vol. 6 #1, and rejoined in issue #14. Former member of Defiance. Active with the Flash family.
Aqualad Jackson Hyde Teen Titans (vol. 6) #7 Left the team between Teen Titans (vol. 6) #19 and Teen Titans (vol. 6) Special #1.
Superboy Jonathan Samuel Kent Super Sons (vol. 1) #7 Voted against as an official member of the team in Super Sons #12. Currently active with the Super family.
Red Arrow Emiko Queen Teen Titans (vol. 6) #20 Active with the Arrow family.
Djinn N/A Left the team in Teen Titans (vol. 6) #41
Roundhouse Billy Wu
Crush Xiomara Rojas Leader of the Teen Titans as of Teen Titans (vol. 6) #45. Quits team in Teen Titans Academy #3.
Bunker Miguel Jose Barragan Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #1 Team leader as of Teen Titans Academy #3.
Jakeem Thunder Jakeem Williams Active.

Titans (DC Rebirth)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Nightwing Dick Grayson Titans (vol. 3) Rebirth #1 Founding member. Left the team when shot through the head by KGBeast in Batman (vol. 3) #50, which caused him to develop amnesia. Rejoined prior to Teen Titans (vol. 6) #47. Current leader of the Titans. Formerly Robin. Former member of Batman Inc. Active with the Bat family.
Donna Troy Donna Troy Founding member. Active. Formerly Wonder Girl.
The Flash Wally West Founding member. Formerly Kid Flash. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1. Currently active with the Flash family. Rejoins in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #13.
Tempest Garth Founding member. Formerly Aqualad. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1. Rejoins in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #12. Left again prior to Titans (vol. 4) #1.
Arsenal Roy Harper Founding member. Formerly Speedy. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1. Rejoins in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #9. Left again prior to Titans (vol. 4) #1
Omen Lilith Clay Founding member. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1.
Bumblebee Karen Beecher-Duncan Titans (vol. 3) #9 Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1.
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Titans (vol. 3) Special #1 Active. Former member of the Teen Titans. Merges with Cyborg to become Cybeast in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #14. Recovers sometime before Dark Crisis.
Raven Rachel Roth Active.
Steel Natasha Irons Left the team prior to Teen Titans (vol. 6) #47.
Miss Martian M'gann M'orzz Liaison with the Justice League. Left the team prior to Teen Titans (vol. 6) #47.
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner Titans (vol. 3) #31 Left the team prior to Teen Titans (vol. 6) #47.
Starfire Koriand'r Teen Titans (vol. 6) #47 Active
Cyborg Victor Stone Active. Merges with Beast Boy to become Cybeast in Teen Titans Academy #14. Recovers sometime before Dark Crisis.
Bunker Miguel Jose Barragan Teen Titans Academy #14 Left the team prior to Titans (vol. 4) #1.
Kid Flash Wally West II
Red Arrow Emiko Queen
Roundhouse Billy Wu
Aquaman Jackson Hyde The Flash #786
Nightbuster Olivia Desmond Nightwing (vol. 4) #104 Honorary member.
Swamp Thing Levi Kamei Titans (vol. 4) #5 Reserve member.

Defiance (Deathstroke's Titans)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Deathstroke Slade Wilson Deathstroke (vol. 4) #21 Founder and leader of Defiance. Killed in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7.
Jericho Joseph Wilson Founding member.
Ravager Rose Wilson
Terra Tara Markov
Power Girl Tanya Spears Founding member. Former member of the Teen Titans.
Kid Flash Wally West II

Titans Academy

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Black Ice Summer Zahid Infinite Frontier #0
Bolt Alinta
Bratgirl Merissa Cooper
Gorilla Gregg Gorilla Gregg Quits in Dark Crisis #2.
Jakeem Thunder Jakeem Williams Currently active in the Teen Titans.
Matt Price Matthew Price
Megabat Lucas LaPorte
Red X Brick Pettirosso Foster son of Red X II who enters Titans Academy to destroy the Titans. Killed in Teen Titans Academy #12.
Tooby Marvin Murakami
Bunker Miguel Jose Barragan Teen Titans Academy #1 Former leader of the Teen Titans. Graduated in Teen Titans Academy #14.
Chupacabra Diego Perez
Crush Xiomara Rojas Former leader of Teen Titans. Quits in Teen Titans Academy #3.
Dial H Miguel Montez
Kid Flash Wally West II Graduates in Teen Titans Academy #14.
Nevermore Dane (surname unknown)
Red Arrow Emiko Queen Graduates in Teen Titans Academy #14.
Roundhouse Billy Wu
Shazam Billy Batson
Stitch Unknown
Cybruh Addison (surname unknown) Teen Titans Academy #2 Originally from Earth-12.
Joely Webster Joely Webster Dies in Teen Titans Academy #10.
Tress Unknown
Mark Radley Mark Radley Teen Titans Academy #4 Dies in Teen Titans Academy #10.
Black Adam, Jr. Teth-Adam Teen Titans Academy #15 Originally from Future State timeline.
The Hound Lebowitz Whistle's dog.
Primer Ashley Rayburn
Whistle Willow Zimmerman

Titans West

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Bumblebee Karen Beecher-Duncan DC's Legion of Bloom #1 Founding member of the first Teen Titans; confirmed to be a part of the first Teen Titans team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions; former member of the DC Rebirth Titans; currently active as a member of the second Titans West
Dove Don Hall Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; Confirmed to be part of the first iteration of Titans West in Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions; deceased
Dove Granger DC's Legion of Bloom #1 Allied with the reunited Titans in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; member of second Titans West
Flamebird Bette Kane Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe Founding member of the first iteration of the Titans West; confirmed to have been part of the first Titans prior to Mister Twister's actions; currently active as the leader of the second iteration
Golden Eagle Charley Parker (born Ch'al Andar) Confirmed to be part of the first iteration of Titans West in Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe; retconned to have been mission control of the first Teen Titans in World's Finest: Teen Titans #1; currently M.I.A.
Hawk Hank Hall Founding member of the first iteration of the Titans West; confirmed to have been part of the Teen Titans prior to Mister Twister's actions; currently active as a member of the second iteration
Omen Lilith Clay Founding member and leader of the first iteration; former member of the DC Rebirth Titans

Titans not in mainstream continuity

Kingdom Come & The Kingdom

The Kingdom Come Titans first appeared in 1996.

Character Identity Issue joined Notes
Batman Dick Grayson Kingdom Come #1
  • Team leader.
  • Returned as Batman after Kingdom Come.
Wonder Girl Donna Troy
  • Returned as Troia after Kingdom Come.
Flash Wally West
  • His costume from Kingdom Come is similar to Jay Garrick's costume.
Aquaman Garth
  • Became Tempest after Kingdom Come.
Red Arrow Roy Harper
  • Second-in-command.
Nightstar Mar'i Grayson
  • Daughter of Nightwing/Dick Grayson and Starfire.
Kid Flash Iris West
  • Second Kid Flash in non-canon.

Titans Tomorrow

The Titans Tomorrow team is a future, anti-hero version of the Teen Titans and was first seen in 2005. The group, which is from "10 years in the future," first appeared prior to Infinite Crisis in the Titans Tomorrow storyline.

Titans West

Character Identity Issue joined Notes
Batman Tim Drake Teen Titans (vol. 3) #17
  • Team leader.
Flash Bart Allen
  • Traitor to Titans East.
Superman Conner Kent / Kon-El
Wonder Woman Cassandra Sandsmark
Dark Raven Raven
  • Member of Titans Army.
Animal Man Garfield Logan
  • Member of Titans Army.
Aquawoman Lorena Marquez
  • Member of Titans Army.
Flash "Bart Allen" Teen Titans (vol. 3) #50
  • Clone of Bart Allen.
Superman "Conner Kent / Kon-El"
  • Clone of Kon-El.
Martian Manhunter M'gann M'orzz / Megan Morse Teen Titans (vol. 3) #51
  • White Martian.
Red Devil Eddie Bloomberg

Titans East

Character Identity Issue joined Notes
Bumblebee Karen Beecher Teen Titans (vol. 3) #17
  • Member of Titans Army.
  • Co-leader.
Ravager Rose Wilson
Terra Atlee
Flash Bart Allen Teen Titans (vol. 3) #18
  • Spy in Titans West.
Cyborg 2.0 Victor Stone
  • Member of Titans Army.
Batwoman Bette Kane Teen *Team leader.
  • Member of Titans Army as Flamebird.

In other media

Teen Titans animated series

The main team consists of Robin (as leader), Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire. They were joined by Terra for a brief period in the second season (she betrayed the Titans in the episode "Betrayal", but in "Aftershock Pt. 2" she sacrificed herself to save them and defeated Slade for the time being). Titans East was formed at the end of the third season with Bumblebee (as leader), along with Aqualad, Más y Menos, and Speedy. Several Titans were given honorary membership over the course of the series, and they were all seen in the episode "Calling all Titans".

Character Episode joined Notes
Robin "Go!" The leader of the Teen Titans.
Cyborg Temporary leader of Titans East.
Beast Boy Former member of the Doom Patrol.
Thunder and Lightning "Forces of Nature" Former enemies of the Titans who later become their allies.
Aqualad "Deep Six" Titans East member.
Tramm "Deep Six" Aqualad's partner.
Terra "Titan Rising" A former member of the Teen Titans who betrayed them and was killed battling Slade. She later returns, but is rendered amnesiac.
Speedy "Winner Take All" Titans East member.
Hot Spot Honorary Titan.
Wildebeest Honorary Titan.
Bumblebee "Wavelength" Titans East leader.
Más y Menos "Titans East" Titans East members.
Red Star "Snowblind"
Kole "Kole"
Gnarrk "Kole"
Melvin, Timmy Tantrum, Bobby, and Teether "Hide and Seek"
Kid Flash "Lightspeed"
Wonder Girl before "Calling All Titans" Makes full appearance in Teen Titans Go! #36.
Killowat before "Calling Al Titans"
Argent "Calling All Titans"
Bushido "Calling All Titans"
Herald "Calling All Titans"
Jericho "Calling All Titans"
Pantha "Calling All Titans"
Jinx before "Titans Together" A former enemy of the Teen Titans who later becomes their ally.



Character Identity Status Notes
Changeling Garfield Logan Unknown Referenced in Static Shock and Teen Titans Academy.
Cyborg Victor Stone Inactive Active in the Justice League.
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
Nightwing Dick Grayson
Robin Tim Drake Active
Starfire Koriand'r Inactive
  • Active in Justice League Beyond.

Injustice series


Character Identity Status Notes
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Inactive (Regime Earth)
  • Deceased
Cyborg Victor Stone Active (Earth One)

Inactive (Regime Earth)

Kid Flash Bartholomew "Bart" Allen Inactive (Regime Earth)
  • Deceased
Nightwing Richard "Dick" Grayson Active (Earth One)

Inactive (Regime Earth)

  • Also a member of the Justice League (Earth One)
  • Former leader (Regime Earth)
  • Deceased (Regime Earth)
Red Arrow Roy Harper Inactive (Regime Earth)
Red Robin Timothy "Tim" Drake
  • Former leader
  • Deceased
Starfire Koriand'r
Superboy Kon-El
Wonder Girl Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark

DC Animated Movie Universe

Template:Incomplete list

Character Identity Film joined Status Notes
Robin / Nightwing Richard "Dick" Grayson Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active Killed by Paradooms in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Kid Flash Barry Allen Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Bumblebee Karen Beecher Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active Killed by Paradooms in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Speedy Roy Harper Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active Killed by Paradooms in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Starfire Koriand'r Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Raven Rachel Roth Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Robin Damian "Ian" Wayne Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active Killed by Darkseid and resurrected by Raven in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Cyborg Victor "Vic" Stone Justice League vs. Teen Titans Inactive
Terra Terra Markov After Justice League vs. Teen Titans Inactive
  • Later discovered to be Deathstroke's mole.
  • Died in Teen Titans: The Judas Contract.
Wonder Girl Donna Troy Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. Active Killed by Paradooms in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Superboy Conner Kent After Reign of the Supermen. Active Killed by Paradooms in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Kid Flash Wallace West Before Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. Active Killed by Paradooms in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

Titans series

Template:See also In order of joining the team, then order of appearance in the series.

Character Identity Actor Episode first joined Status Notes
Robin / Nightwing Richard "Dick" Grayson Brenton Thwaites 5+ years before 1x01 "Pilot" Active
  • Member of the originnal team
  • Leader
Dove Dawn Granger Minka Kelly Inactive
  • Member of the original team
  • Left team in 3x04 "Blackfire" following Hank's death
Hawk Hank Hall Alan Ritchson
  • Deceased; Killed by Red Hood in 3x03 "Hank and Dove"
Wonder Girl Donna Troy Conor Leslie
  • Member of the original team
  • Deceased; killed in action in 2x13 "Nightwing"
  • Resurrected in 3x09 "Souls"
  • Temporarily rejoined in 3x13 "Purple Rain" before leaving to visit Dawn in Paris
Aqualad Garthe Drew Van Acker
  • Member of the original team
  • Deceased; fatally shot by Deathstroke in 2x04 "Aqualad"
Raven Rachel Roth Teagan Croft 2x01 "Trigon" Active
  • Left in 2x13 "Nightwing"; looking for a way to revive Wonder Girl
  • Rejoined in 3x10 "Troubled Water"
Beast Boy Garfield "Gar" Logan Ryan Potter
Robin / Red Hood Jason Todd Curran Walters Inactive
  • Left in 2x09 "Atonement"
  • Killed by Joker in 3x01 "Barbara Gordon"
  • Resurrected by Scarecrow and operating as Red Hood as of 3x02 "Red Hood"
Ravager Rose Wilson Chelsea Zhang 2x03 "Ghosts"
  • Also a host for Jericho's conscious
  • Initially Deathstroke's mole
  • Current status unknown as of 3x01 "Barbara Gordon"
Starfire Koriand'r / Kory Anders Anna Diop 2x13 "Nightwing" Active
Jericho Jericho Wilson Chella Man Inactive
  • His consciousness now lives inside Rose's body
  • Current status unknown as of 3x01 "Barbara Gordon"
Superboy Subject 13 / Conner Joshua Orpin Active
Krypto Krypto Pepsi, Wrigley, and Ziva
Blackfire Komand'r Damaris Lewis 3x06 "Lady Vic" Inactive
  • Left in 3x13 "Purple Rain" to return to Tamaran
Robin Tim Druke Jay Lycargo 3x13 "Purple Rain" Active





External links

Template:Teen Titans

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